This Week in World War One, 27 August 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915







Although it may appear on first examination to be inflicting a hardship on some people to close the merchants’ shops at six o’clock in the evening still it has to be borne in mind that we are living in very abnormal times. It is a time when sacrifices have to be made, and the man or woman who exhibits any hesitancy in adapting himself or herself to the special and exceptional times manifest a want of true consideration to help their country in the hour of its direct necessity. The highest and supreme sacrifice has been paid by many a family during the terrible times we have passed through. The closing of business establishments a few hours earlier is a small matter in comparison therewith, and if it is to safeguard the lives of the community and frustrate the cowardly intentions of an unseen enemy nothing should stand in the way of adopting the most stringent and exacting precautions. There is no reason why a shopkeeper should not be able to close early if the public determine to assist in this direction. If the public resolved to discontinue patronising a particular shop they would very effectively close that shop altogether.

Early 1900s photograph of Marygate, Berwick-upon-Tweed.  Berwick Record Office,  BRO 1636-3-16
Early 1900s photograph of Marygate, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Berwick Record Office, BRO 1636-3-16


The early closing of business premises, therefore, depends wholly on the public being alive and educated to the fact. And as the early closing does not effect locally till the 1st October there is ample time for all customers to realise the fact, as well as for the various merchants taking adequate steps to meet the inauguration of the new hours. The easiest way to meet the new situation is either for the customer to send in a list of his orders early, or else for the merchant to call at the customers’ residences and take a note of these. On Saturday evening there should be no hardship inflicted, for all will surely manage to purchase there weekend provisions before nine o’clock. Indeed, at the Town Hall meeting, there were no real solid arguments adduced against closing earlier, and as soon as the public can thoroughly comprehend the hours the new method should be found to work quite smoothly in a small borough such as Berwick. No merchant need be afraid of losing his customers, as these will quickly respond to the altered circumstances, and they will not desert patronising a particular shop where they think they have an inducement to buy. Although there was a small minority against the motion which became the finding of the meeting it was very gratifying to observe how whole-heartedly they fell in with the majority. Unanimity means success, and all that is now required is that the various merchants should take full advantage of the reasonable interval before 1st October in reminding all their customers of the changed hours to suit the exceptional needs of the country’s peril.




Before Captain Norman, R.N., and J.McNab, Esq


Hanselling of Spittal Lock-Up- A large crowd gathered in the precincts of Spittal’s new Police Station on Thursday afternoon. The occasion was not the opening ceremony of the imposing building by the civic fathers but merely the new cells receiving their first occupant. The crowd again gathered on Friday morning with a view to seeing the delinquent take her departure to the more commodious quarters of Berwick Police Court. However the curious ones were disappointed for the prisoner was taken out by the back door while the crowd waited patiently at the front door. Following upon the foregoing events Mary Johnson, married woman Lanark, was charged with being drunk and disorderly near the Forge, Spittal, at three p.m. on Thursday afternoon. Defendant pleaded guilty, Sergt. McRobb said that upon receiving a complaint he proceeded to the Forge and on the grass

A half crown coin (2s 6d), the sum of which Mary Johnson from Lanark was fined, with the alternative of seven days imprisonment.
A half crown coin (2s 6d), the sum of which Mary Johnson from Lanark was fined.

near there found defendant lying in a drunken condition. Defendant had been creating a disturbance and on witness attempting to lift her to her feet she drew forth her hat pins from her hat, and by this action exposed witness to the hatpin peril by attempting to thrust the aforesaid pin into his leg. Foiled in this defendant refused to walk to the lock-up but witness obtained a trap and she was driven there in state. In defence defendant said she had met someone home from the Front. The Chief Constable said defendant had 2s 6d in her possession. Captain Norman-We will relieve you of that half crown with the alternative of seven days imprisonment. The Chief Constable said defendant was the first to be locked up at the new police station at Spittal.

Berwick Advertiser, 27 August 1915 Playhouse advert.
Berwick Advertiser, 27 August 1915 Playhouse advert.





A happy event was celebrated at Ross, Belford, on the 5th August, when Mrs Isabella Learmouth, wife of the late George Learmouth, North Sunderland, attained her 100th birthday. Mrs Learmouth, who is the daughter of the late Mr Robert Geggie, is in good health, retains all her faculties and at present is always busily engaged knitting socks and comforts for the troops. On the morning of her birthday she received many letters of congratulations and birthday cards from the following- Rev. J and Mrs Miller, Belford; Mr J. and Misses Blenkinsop, Ross; Miss Arthur, Chathill; Mr David Black, Berwick; Miss P. Aynsley, Blyth; Mr Adam Jefferson, Spittal; Mrs Margaret Clark, Beal; Mrs Hunter, Ross; Misses Ross, Grange Mill; Mr John English, Bedlington; Miss M. Davison, Ross; Miss A. Heffen, Ross; Mr James Hoje,(sic) Ross; Mr George Hope, Ross; Miss M.G.Clark, Newcastle; Mr and Mrs W. Learmouth, Gosforth; Co-operative Society, Ltd, Wooler; Mrs Young, Ross; Miss I. Learmouth, Ross; Mrs Gibson, Bltyh; Mr J. Mole, Belford.

To mark the occasion a birthday cake was made and presented to Mrs Learmouth by Mrs Graham and family, Belford. Mrs Learmouth also sent a birthday cake to her grandson at the front, Lance Corporal George English, 7th N.F., to celebrate the event with his comrades in the trenches. It will be the wish of all that Mrs Learmouth may be long spared to enjoy the quiet eventide of life.

In the 1911 Census, Isabella is living with Alexander Hope, her son-in law at New Shoreston in Bamburgh. According to the Census, she was born at Ayton in Berwickshire.


This Week in World War One, 23rd July 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






The Headmaster of Spittal Council School (Mr T. W. G. Borthwick) has received the following letter, signed by 54 wounded soldiers who were entertained by the scholars and members of the staff a week ago:-

Improvised Hospitals,


2nd July, 1915

We, the undersigned wounded soldiers from the Expeditionary Force in France, at present quartered in the above hospitals, wish to convey our most sincere thanks to the children of Spittal Council School for the most enthusiastic reception they gave us on Wednesday afternoon, and also to the staff of the School for their kind attention and for the hospitable manner in which they entertained us to tea.

We all enjoyed ourselves immensely and thoroughly appreciate the kindly thoughts which prompted the invitation extended to us.

It is an afternoon we shall all remember with very pleasant thoughts wherever we may be.


Here follow the signatures of 54 soldiers with name of regiment, rank, and number.

This letter will be carefully preserved as a memento of a very pleasant afternoon.

A sum of £1 8s 1d was collected on behalf of the local fund for wounded soldiers.

On Thursday afternoon, July 8th, and in the evening the display of dancing and Swedish drill was repeated.

The boys, cleverly trained by Mr R.C. Clements, gave an additional act of physical exercises, and were very successful with a series of three “pyramids”. The smartness of the boys has been a general subject of conversation, and has won the admiration of experienced soldiers.

Miss Millar, Head Mistress of the Infant Department, desires to be congratulated for the pretty items rendered by her tiny pupils.

This school was the first in the district to give a display of Morris Dancing. In the recent display a new feature was introduced by the girls, who gave a choice selection of “Old English dances.” On all hands the opinion is very favourable towards the inclusion of this branch of physical exercises.

Many of the girls were most graceful dancers; in the “Gavotte”, however, the stately movements were interpreted with unusual skill, and the result was an artistic success. Miss Noble’s large class of girls in their “Scotch Red” caught the patriotic fancy of the large audience (including kilted soldiers), and the item was received with loud applause.

A Morris Dance, the most amusing thing on the programme, was undertaken by the younger boys and girls in charge of Miss Johnson, Miss Dickinson, and Miss Hayden. The boys were dressed in long hats, and from beginning to end, the quaintness of the zest with which the children themselves entered into the spirit of the dance kept the audience in fits of laughter.

Morris Dancing today is still popular with both the young and old. Photograph Ralph Jenson, Creative Commons attribution 2.0 generic license
Morris Dancing today is still popular with both the young and old. © Photograph Ralph Jenson, Creative Commons attribution 2.0 generic license


Miss Borthwick showed unusual ability at the piano; indeed the musical part of the programme was of a high order. This lady also deserves credit for the arranging of the artistic sets of Old English dances and the Gavotte.

The display took place in the school playground, and as the weather was warm and sunny there was a large audience. Seats were provided at a charge of 3d each, and it was gratifying to notice that some of the wounded soldiers had come over from Berwick to see the children again.

The large audience especially the visitors to Spittal was struck with the happy hearing of the scholars, the very pretty dresses of the girls, and the general appearance of neatness and cleanliness of such a large number of school children. The turnout reflects great credit on the mothers of Spittal.

In the afternoon the Rev. A. Alexander, M.A., at the close of the programme, after expressing the thanks of the audience, said that the scholars were not only clever and well trained in physical exercises, but the school had done well in the recent County Scholarship examination. Eight boys in the borough were successful, and of these the 1st, 2nd and 5th places in order of merit fell to Spittal Council School. (Loud applause.)

The school has already done well in providing comforts for our wounded soldiers in local hospitals. The proceeds of the second display go to provide gifts for the Spittal men who are now serving in the Navy or Army.

Mr R. C. Clements, amid general regret, especially on the part of the boys, has now left the school and taken up duties at Alnwick in the 7th Northumberland Fusiliers.

Mr John Martin Tait, B.Sc., the other assistant, has been serving since March as 2nd Lieut. in the 10th Battalion N.F.





Bright Lights – James Cuthbert, butcher, Berwick, was charged with disobeying an order to obscure the lights of his house at 11.25p.m., on the 17th July. Defendant did not appear. Sergt. Moor said that at the time stated he saw the lights shining right across the street. He called defendant and showed him the light. Defendant said – You only want something to talk about. Witness told him to shut the door or shade the light, and defendant said he would put it out as he was going to bed, but it remained for another fifteen minutes. P.C. Welsh corroborated. The Chief Constable said defendant had called the previous night to say he could not get to Court. He expressed regret that he had offended. Fined 5s. Mr McCreath said if other cases of a similar nature came up they would be more severely dealt with.


BAdvertisr 23 July 1915 Tyneside Scottish Advert RESIZED larger
Berwick Advertiser 23 July 1915, Tyneside Scottish-Advert



“The Playhouse.”– The good audiences this week have been sufficient testimony of the excellence of the “Playhouse” programmes. Jack Duncanson, the famous basso and entertainer has nightly delighted the audiences and he cannot but be pleased with the welcome he received on his re-appearance in Berwick. The bioscopic side of the programme at the beginning of the week was all

Charlie Chaplin 1915 Creative Commons License PD US
Charlie Chaplin 1915 Creative Commons License PD US

that could be desired, while commencing on Thursday, the feature will be “Harry the Swell” which is a drama enthrilling, exciting, and sensational. “Lovers Luck”, a side splitting Keystone comedy will also be shown. A solo will be given at each performance by one of the members of the orchestra, and it is a new feature which is greatly appreciated. A good programme billed for next week when the vaudeville turn will be “Carvel and Dora” in a novel act entitled “The Ventriloquist and the Maid”. The bioscopic feature at the beginning of the week will be “The Dare-devil Circus Queen” which is a most thrilling episode of circus life. It shows one of the most sensational acts ever performed by a film actor. The heroine on a horse mounts the roof of a car of a gigantic pleasure wheel and is hoisted 300 feet. There is no fake connected with the wonder, and the act is one to be seen to be believed. For the second part of the week the feature will be “In Peace and War”, which as a war picture is very interesting in more ways than one, for the subject is dealt with from some novel standpoints. Interest in the film is maintained throughout and the photographic scenes are splendidly laid. The public favourite, “Charles Chaplin” is to appear in “Champion Charlie”, a two-reel comedy. In this picture Charlie is seen at his best in a boxing match.


This Week in World War One, 16 July 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915





Under ideal weather conditions Berwick Grammar School held their annual school sports in the Pier Field on Thursday afternoon. There was a large attendance of parents and friends and the various events were keenly contested. The Rev. R. C. Inglis and Mr A. L. Miller acted as judges and the two house masters, Mr Pearce and Mr Woodcock officiated as starters and handicappers. At the conclusion of the sports the prizes were presented to the successful competitors by Commander F. M. Norman, R.N., in the unavoidable absence of the Mayoress (Mrs T. Wilson). Before presenting the prizes Captain Norman said he had for many years presented the prizes to the boys in school, but this was the first time he had had the privilege and honour of presenting the prizes at the annual school sports. He had to congratulate them on the splendid weather they had during the afternoon, and he was sure it had been a pleasure to all to watch the various events. It was of inestimable benefit to the boys to take part in such games, and he hoped that it would help them to become good citizens and soldiers. It gave him great pleasure to announce that no less than 100 old boys of the school had their names inscribed on the roll of honour, and were serving their King and Country. (Applause.)

Old Grammar School Building, Palace Street East, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Photograph taken in August 1952.
Old Grammar School Building, Palace Street East, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Photograph © Barbara Carr and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

In presenting the prizes, Captain Norman referred to the fact that the first prize for the Cross Country Run had been presented by Pte. T. Boal, 7th N.F., who was at present serving in the trenches. Private Boal was last year the winner of the Norman Challenge Bowl, and it was gratifying to know that, while he was in France, he had not forgot his old school. He hoped Pte. Boal would be spared to come back amongst them. (Applause.) Mr A. L. Miller proposed a hearty vote of thanks to captain Norman for presenting the prizes. The name of Captain Norman had been long associated with the school, and he was sure that wherever and whenever old boys and present pupils thought of Berwick Grammar School, they would always remember Captain Norman, who had taken such a kindly interest in them. (Applause.) The boys gave three hearty cheers for Captain Norman, and the singing of “God Save the King” brought the proceedings to a close.

Postscript: the above article refers to a Pte. T. Boal, 7th N.F., this should have read Pte. J.E. Boal who was later promoted to Corporal 7th Northumberland Fusiliers. The T. Boal mentioned in the article was his father.


Corporal John Edgar Boal 7th Northumberland Fusiliers


BOAL, Cpl. John Edgar, 2074, M.M. 7th Bn. Northumberland Fusiliers, attd. 149th T.M. Bty. Accidently killed 8th Dec., 1916. Age 20. Son of Thomas W. and Lily Boal, of 12, West St., Berwick-upon-Tweed. Educated at Berwick Grammar School. The notice below shows the presentation of the Military Medal to Mr Thomas. W. Boal, father of the late Corporal John Edgar Boal dated 14th April 1917.

Presentation of Military Medal to J E Boal. Reference no: D13-1-83-001
Presentation of Military Medal to J E Boal. Reference no: D13-1-83-001




A worthy old Spittal couple in the persons of George Elliott, fisherman, residing in Gibson’s Row, and his good lady celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage on Monday, and were the recipients of many presents and congratulations from their family and friends.

Golden Wedding Anniversary Plaque
Golden Wedding Anniversary Plaque


The family of George Elliott from the 1901 Census:

Name: George Elliott

Age: 56

Spouse: Jane Elliott

Birth Place: Northumberland, Spittal

Civil parish: Tweedmouth

Ecclesiastical parish: Spittal St John the Evangelist

County/Island: Northumberland

Registration district: Berwick

Household Members: 

George Elliott aged 56, occupation fisherman. Jane Elliott aged 56. Richard Elliott aged 27, occupation fisherman. George Elliott aged 25, occupation Salmon fisher. Joseph Elliott aged 16, occupation labourer. Thomas Elliott aged 13, Ellen Elliott aged 23 and Isabella Elliott aged 19, occupation Clay Pipe Moulder,


The family of George Elliott from the 1911 Census:

Name: George Elliott

Age: 65

Birth Place: Tweedmouth, Northumberland, England

Civil parish: Tweedmouth

County/Island: Northumberland

Street Address; 6B East St, Spittal, Berwick

Marital status: Married

Occupation: Fisherman

Registration district: Berwick

Household Members: 

George Elliott aged 65, occupation fisherman. Jane Elliott aged 65. Joseph Elliott aged 26, occupation fisherman. Thomas Elliott aged 23, occupation Cooper, Herring Curing.



Magnificent collection
1,153 Eggs as a gift for the Wounded


What may very truly be described as a “unique service,” was held on Sunday last in the Congregational Church, Spittal, when an effort to procure eggs for the use of the wounded soldiers quartered in the Borough was brought to a most successful issue. The special service was held in the evening when a crowded congregation, gathered for worship, which was conducted by the minister of the Church, the Rev. Frederick T. Williams. The praise portion first celebrated was fittingly rendered by the choir of the Church, and included the anthems, “Blessed is he that Considereth the Poor”, and “The Lord is Almighty” Mr J. N. Peace, B.A., also contributed a solo. Immediately preceding the hymn “We give Thee but Thine Own, “ the Minister said he thought that would be the most fitting moment in the service to express his sense of gratitude for the magnificent response which had been made to his appeal. In a very appropriate manner he said:- “My dear friends, let me at this point in the service express my sincere thanks for the truly magnificent manner in which you have responded to my appeal. You have far exceeded my expectations, but then you have been constantly doing that during the term of my pastorate in this place. I know you are all wondering and some of you have been making various calculations as to the number of eggs which you see so nicely displayed in the front of the Church. Including those brought to the service this evening I have received no less than eleven hundred and fifty-three. Truly a generous gift from loving hearts. Why have you done this? The answer comes very readily. I know the one all compelling motive which has moved you. True there are one or two motives of a secondary nature. I know you like to do your best for every appeal made by the Church. I know you like to encourage the man who for the time being is your minister; and you have never given me cause for greater thankfulness than you have today, and I am proud of you; but these considerations do not constitute the chief reason why you have done this thing. You have done it, because you have husbands, sons, brothers, sweethearts serving at the Front. Some of them have been wounded and they are lying in hospitals in different parts of England, and you know that our countrymen in every town and village are doing what they can to minister to their comfort. As you would like them treated as you know they are being treated, even so you are seeking to do for those in your own midst who having given themselves for their country’s service, have returned stricken from the field of battle. God bless you everyone, and in the name of those for whom your gifts are intended please accept my heartfelt thanks.

After the hymn had been sung a suitable prayer was offered, and then the Reverend gentleman preached a most appropriate sermon…