This Week in World War One, 30 July 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915







The restriction on East Coast shipping are being more forcibly impressed upon the ratepayers of our own immediate district by the short discussion which occurred at the Berwick Town Council meeting on Tuesday evening. The inability of the local Harbour Commissioners to meet the interest on a by no means large bond is sufficient testimony to the decline in shipping during the past year at the port of Berwick. It was a state of matters which no one contemplated this time last year, and it is satisfactory to learn, despite the intense difficulties placed on shipping and fishing, the trade at the harbour shows a tendancy to revive these last few weeks. There is no doubt whatever that with the advent of normal times activities at the harbour will resume their natural condition, and that the interest, temporarily advanced by the Town Council as guarantors to the bond, will be duly refunded. In the unusual circumstances the Town Council had no alternative but to meet the payment of the interest, and there is no reason why there should be any feeling in the community over what is only a very small item emanating out of the war. The appeal made by Alderman Short to regard the discussion as private might very well have seriously occurred to the Council earlier. Had the Council been unanimous in Committee, as they were to all extents and purposes in public, the whole matter could have been quite easily adjusted. In these strenuous days when every encouraging little item is faithfully served up to the reading public of the enemy on the other side of the  North Sea, the less said about decadent sea ports on the east Coast the better. It is a line of action which would have undoubtedly met with the approval of the naval and military authorities who keep a very strict censor on items of such a nature. It may occur to the Council of Borough on the East Coast that there are other things quite as essential to safeguard as bright lights. A spoken word, and an admission on the part of a responsible body such as a Town Council that one of the ports is in a temporary insolvent condition is a grave enough concession indeed, and, garnished and magnified by Tuetonic ingenuity, it can be translated into language out of all proportion to the actual facts. But there is no use lamenting over spilt milk, though it may, and certainly ought to be, a warning to responsible authorities to exercise every degree of care and caution in these eventful days.


Berwick Advertiser 30 July 1915. J Smith Advert
Berwick Advertiser 30 July 1915. J Smith Advert





Belford Church – the church has been enriched by the placing of two finely executed stained glass windows. They are, what is known in architecture, as the early English period, and are lancet in shape. In one window is an illustration of “Charity,” which is depicted by a large figure under richly-coloured canopy work, and standing on an ornamental base, with the following inscription: – “Erected

Belford Church © Copyright Peter Taylor - Creative Commons Licence.
Belford Church © Copyright Peter Taylor – Creative Commons Licence.


by her brother-in-law, the Vicar of Belford, in loving memory of Racheal Smale McLeish, a devoted church worker, who died on December 14th, 1914; aged 58 years.” In the other window is a figure of St. Cecilia in the act of playing an organ, being patron of music, with the following inscription:-“Erected by her father, the Vicar of Belford, in loving memory of his beloved daughter Helen Katharine Ogilvie Robertson, who died on January 11th, 1914, aged 37 years.” The windows were designed and executed by Messrs G. J. Bagnley and Son, artists in stained glass, Newcastle.




Splendid Military Run at Berwick

Thirty-Three Regiments Represented


The military cross-country race at Berwick on Saturday proved an eminently successful gathering, and the commontion and stir it occasioned in the ancient Borough will be an event to be remembered as an outstanding incident in the annals of the Great War. The weather was showery, and, though the ground was heavy underfoot, a more ideal summer afternoon could not have been desired. The thousands of spectators who lined the fine vantage ground on the overlooking Walls, as well as on the more expansive meadow where the race started and finished, were enabled to witness the ceremony under most comfortable atmospheric conditions. A sharp shower fell at the conclusion of the subsequent recruiting meeting, but it was short in duration, and it did not interfere with the pleasure of the spectators in witnessing the completion of a most interesting and finely contested race. No one could but be impressed with the sight of so many hundreds of fine specimens of young

WW1 Gymanastics at Aldershot.
WW1 Gymnastics wearing their competitors costume at Aldershot.

fellows in the perfect bloom of physical strength and manhood, all too, trained in the use of arms, and ready and willing to do their bit whenever the opportunity came. As they marched in gymnastic costume, in perfect swing and unison of step to the captivating strains of the pipe music to take up their allotted positions at the starting point it was a singularly charming spectacle. Not a few of the competitors felt the inspiration of the familiar Highland reels, and gave vent to their itch of foot by indulging in brief spells of a dance. To the thinking spectator there came a pang of intense regret to know of a certainty that so many splendid specimens of athletic manhood would ere many weeks were over have to face the terrible scenes of havoc and bloodshed which are being enacted on the plains of Flanders. The arrangements of the committee in charge were admirable. There was ample convenience for so many competitors dressing and preparing for the race, several large tents having been erected, while the course was well mapped out with flags. The start was given by Colonel Peterkin, and though at the finish there was great excitement and some crushing ample room was allowed to the runners to reach the goal.

The presentation of prizes by Colonel Peterkin in the evening in the Corn Exchange along with tea to the competitors was a scene of much enthusiasm and good hearted fellowship. The memory of the great race, and the stir and bustle it created in the streets will be pleasantly remembered by all the citizens, and the only feeling of regret is that so poor a response was made to the recruiting efforts at so imposing a military display.


Digitisation of Stannington

A major part of the Stannington Sanatorium Project has been to digitise the radiographs held within the collection, along with early case files and the significant amount of photographic material. The digitisation has taken many months, transferring 14,663 microfiche x-ray copies and original x-rays and 949 patient case files into a digital format using a digital SLR camera. These images have subsequently been redacted, removing any identifying information and thus creating completely anonymised digital images.

Digitising radiogrphs from microfiche

Archival digitisation is utilised as a means of protecting original records and preventing further deterioration. Through the creation of a digital surrogate original documents need not be produced as frequently, therefore prevent the risk of further damage to originals caused by regular handling. It also aids in the making of the records more widely accessible. By creating a digital image it is possible to utilise a number of internet resources, including social media, as a means of reaching beyond those who can physically visit the archive. Throughout the Stannington Sanatorium Project we have used a range of social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as making use of widely accessed sites like Flickr to disseminate information covered by the collection.

The Stannington Collection, a collection pertaining to a children’s tuberculosis hospital encompassing both clinical and non-clinical records, is very specific in its own nature. As a result it has generated much interest from many fields of the academic community. Through the production of anonymised digital copies, academics can access records which, without redaction, would otherwise be unavailable under data protection law. This allows the records to be more widely disseminated as a teaching tool; a means for continuing research into tuberculosis and a way of understanding our not so distance past.

With the final stages of the digitisation process nearing completion, we have succeeded in our aims to open up this fascinating collection to those in the local area and beyond, and as a resource for future research. Copies of the images can now be viewed and purchased (if required) from Northumberland Archives electronic catalogue.

To view our Flickr stream follow this link:

This Week in World War One, 23rd July 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






The Headmaster of Spittal Council School (Mr T. W. G. Borthwick) has received the following letter, signed by 54 wounded soldiers who were entertained by the scholars and members of the staff a week ago:-

Improvised Hospitals,


2nd July, 1915

We, the undersigned wounded soldiers from the Expeditionary Force in France, at present quartered in the above hospitals, wish to convey our most sincere thanks to the children of Spittal Council School for the most enthusiastic reception they gave us on Wednesday afternoon, and also to the staff of the School for their kind attention and for the hospitable manner in which they entertained us to tea.

We all enjoyed ourselves immensely and thoroughly appreciate the kindly thoughts which prompted the invitation extended to us.

It is an afternoon we shall all remember with very pleasant thoughts wherever we may be.


Here follow the signatures of 54 soldiers with name of regiment, rank, and number.

This letter will be carefully preserved as a memento of a very pleasant afternoon.

A sum of £1 8s 1d was collected on behalf of the local fund for wounded soldiers.

On Thursday afternoon, July 8th, and in the evening the display of dancing and Swedish drill was repeated.

The boys, cleverly trained by Mr R.C. Clements, gave an additional act of physical exercises, and were very successful with a series of three “pyramids”. The smartness of the boys has been a general subject of conversation, and has won the admiration of experienced soldiers.

Miss Millar, Head Mistress of the Infant Department, desires to be congratulated for the pretty items rendered by her tiny pupils.

This school was the first in the district to give a display of Morris Dancing. In the recent display a new feature was introduced by the girls, who gave a choice selection of “Old English dances.” On all hands the opinion is very favourable towards the inclusion of this branch of physical exercises.

Many of the girls were most graceful dancers; in the “Gavotte”, however, the stately movements were interpreted with unusual skill, and the result was an artistic success. Miss Noble’s large class of girls in their “Scotch Red” caught the patriotic fancy of the large audience (including kilted soldiers), and the item was received with loud applause.

A Morris Dance, the most amusing thing on the programme, was undertaken by the younger boys and girls in charge of Miss Johnson, Miss Dickinson, and Miss Hayden. The boys were dressed in long hats, and from beginning to end, the quaintness of the zest with which the children themselves entered into the spirit of the dance kept the audience in fits of laughter.

Morris Dancing today is still popular with both the young and old. Photograph Ralph Jenson, Creative Commons attribution 2.0 generic license
Morris Dancing today is still popular with both the young and old. © Photograph Ralph Jenson, Creative Commons attribution 2.0 generic license


Miss Borthwick showed unusual ability at the piano; indeed the musical part of the programme was of a high order. This lady also deserves credit for the arranging of the artistic sets of Old English dances and the Gavotte.

The display took place in the school playground, and as the weather was warm and sunny there was a large audience. Seats were provided at a charge of 3d each, and it was gratifying to notice that some of the wounded soldiers had come over from Berwick to see the children again.

The large audience especially the visitors to Spittal was struck with the happy hearing of the scholars, the very pretty dresses of the girls, and the general appearance of neatness and cleanliness of such a large number of school children. The turnout reflects great credit on the mothers of Spittal.

In the afternoon the Rev. A. Alexander, M.A., at the close of the programme, after expressing the thanks of the audience, said that the scholars were not only clever and well trained in physical exercises, but the school had done well in the recent County Scholarship examination. Eight boys in the borough were successful, and of these the 1st, 2nd and 5th places in order of merit fell to Spittal Council School. (Loud applause.)

The school has already done well in providing comforts for our wounded soldiers in local hospitals. The proceeds of the second display go to provide gifts for the Spittal men who are now serving in the Navy or Army.

Mr R. C. Clements, amid general regret, especially on the part of the boys, has now left the school and taken up duties at Alnwick in the 7th Northumberland Fusiliers.

Mr John Martin Tait, B.Sc., the other assistant, has been serving since March as 2nd Lieut. in the 10th Battalion N.F.





Bright Lights – James Cuthbert, butcher, Berwick, was charged with disobeying an order to obscure the lights of his house at 11.25p.m., on the 17th July. Defendant did not appear. Sergt. Moor said that at the time stated he saw the lights shining right across the street. He called defendant and showed him the light. Defendant said – You only want something to talk about. Witness told him to shut the door or shade the light, and defendant said he would put it out as he was going to bed, but it remained for another fifteen minutes. P.C. Welsh corroborated. The Chief Constable said defendant had called the previous night to say he could not get to Court. He expressed regret that he had offended. Fined 5s. Mr McCreath said if other cases of a similar nature came up they would be more severely dealt with.


BAdvertisr 23 July 1915 Tyneside Scottish Advert RESIZED larger
Berwick Advertiser 23 July 1915, Tyneside Scottish-Advert



“The Playhouse.”– The good audiences this week have been sufficient testimony of the excellence of the “Playhouse” programmes. Jack Duncanson, the famous basso and entertainer has nightly delighted the audiences and he cannot but be pleased with the welcome he received on his re-appearance in Berwick. The bioscopic side of the programme at the beginning of the week was all

Charlie Chaplin 1915 Creative Commons License PD US
Charlie Chaplin 1915 Creative Commons License PD US

that could be desired, while commencing on Thursday, the feature will be “Harry the Swell” which is a drama enthrilling, exciting, and sensational. “Lovers Luck”, a side splitting Keystone comedy will also be shown. A solo will be given at each performance by one of the members of the orchestra, and it is a new feature which is greatly appreciated. A good programme billed for next week when the vaudeville turn will be “Carvel and Dora” in a novel act entitled “The Ventriloquist and the Maid”. The bioscopic feature at the beginning of the week will be “The Dare-devil Circus Queen” which is a most thrilling episode of circus life. It shows one of the most sensational acts ever performed by a film actor. The heroine on a horse mounts the roof of a car of a gigantic pleasure wheel and is hoisted 300 feet. There is no fake connected with the wonder, and the act is one to be seen to be believed. For the second part of the week the feature will be “In Peace and War”, which as a war picture is very interesting in more ways than one, for the subject is dealt with from some novel standpoints. Interest in the film is maintained throughout and the photographic scenes are splendidly laid. The public favourite, “Charles Chaplin” is to appear in “Champion Charlie”, a two-reel comedy. In this picture Charlie is seen at his best in a boxing match.