Over a hundred ex-service men were welcomed home by the parish officers of Ford on Friday evening, when in addition to an excellent supper, each man was presented with a handsome frame memento from Lord Joicey and family, and a high class concert given by Mr Jno. M. Dudgeon and his party from Berwick assisted by Mr. J. C. Collingwood in his famous “coster” numbers.
The old school, famous for its biblical paintings by Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford, was tastefully decorated with the Union Jack and Allied flags, while on the tables set round the room a supper was spread calculated to please the most fastidious.
Lord Joicey presided, and was accompanied by his son, Lieut-Col, the Hon. H. L. Jociey, D.S.O., and members of the Committee and friends. Willing hands of ladies ministered to the wants of the men, and there was abundance of everything, served up in a first class orders. Beer and mineral waters were served at the supper, while at the concert which followed there was the “tot” with which to honour the toasts and abundance of cigarettes.

Supper having been cleared away, and the loyal toast of the King having been proposed by Lord Joicey, the toast list was embarked upon the items being interspersed by musical numbers provided by Mr Dudgeon and party.
Lord Joicey was accorded a great reception on rising to move the toast of the Imperial Forces. His Lordship having referred to the magnificent services rendered by all branches of the Service, said we owed a great debt of gratitude to the Navy, which had kept our trade routes open. They often heard the House of Lords referred to as a body effete, but he wished to tell them that if it had not been for the House of Lords the Declaration of London would have been agreed to, and we would not have had a Navy able to do half the work which our navy had done in the war. (Cheers). They could never express what they owed to the Army, to the five million men who had never faltered in taking their stand against the attacks of an army which had been preparing for the last thirty years. (Applause). The Army well deserved the encomeums heaped upon it, not only the regulars, but volunteers of all classes. It was the great capacity shown by these people in connection with the army that enabled us to find ourselves in the comfortable state we did today. (Loud cheers).
Col. Joicey, who replied, spoke of the enormous sacrifices of mothers, fathers, and wives at home. Many would remember when the Germans launched their dastardly gas attack in 1915. Then even the stoutest hearts “over there” were rather up against it. It was then that they found doctors and chemists of this country endeavouring to meet this unlooked for situation. It was then that thanks to the devoted women of England that gas masks were supplied in 36 hours. (Cheers). That was the spirit of those at home. (Cheers). It was grand (renewed cheers). Col. Joicey then referred to the excellent fighting qualities of the British soldier. He hoped that the noble spirit shown by all in the war would be carried right through in the days of peace. (Applause).
The enterprising firm of Ford’s Garage and Cycle Co., Ltd., of Berwick-on-Tweed and Alnwick, who recently took possession of the Red Lion Hotel, have now made it into one of the most up-to-date garages and repair shops in the North.

As will be seen from our advertising columns, they have been appointed authorised dealers in Ford cars and replacement parts for the Parliamentary Division of Berwick-on-Tweed, and with the splendidly equipped workshops and efficient staff of mechanics which they have at their disposal, they are in a position to undertake any repair.
We have heard a very pertinent comment on the site favoured for the Tweedmouth War Memorial, viz., the railed-in plot at the Tweedmouth end of the Bridge. Is the Committee taking the new bridge into account? It would be a pity for the memorial to be hidden away under the new bridge, and when the new bridge is erected there will surely be a better site available.
The Tweedmouth War Memorial Fund now stands at over £420, among the latest contributions being £10 from Sir F. D. Blake, Bart., M. P. The architectural plans of the proposed monument and site are ready, and the scheme is being pressed well forward. Despite Berwick’s chilling reception to the proposal to hold a Flag Day in aid of the Memorials in the Borough, Tweedmouth has determined to stick to its plan, and arrangements for a Flag Day on Saturday, 25th October, are now well in hand.
The members of the Q.M.A.A. Corps, some of whom have been in Berwick since the corps first came to town in 1917, have been demobilised, and are leaving today (Thursday) for their homes. Drawn from a wide district the girls who came from Edinburgh headquarters, will now be scattered all over the country, no two girls going to exactly the same place. They are very sorry to leave, and speak highly of the kindness they have received from the people of Berwick. During their stay, under the command of their officer, Miss Fiddes, they have led a most active life, and yet have found time to run several concerts in aid of various charities. They have spent a very happy time in the town, and will be greatly missed.