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There was a good gathering of members and ladies on Saturday afternoon on the Ravensdowne bowling green to see the Hon. President open the pavilion which has been put up out of the funds obtained at last year’s bazaar. Mr Carstairs, the Secretary, opened the proceedings by announcing apologies for absence from the Mayor, the Sheriff, Mr P. M. Henderson, County Alderman Thomas Darling, and Mr H. R. Smail. He was glad, however, to see such a good company on a unique occasion for the working men of Bewick, and he was particularly glad to see the ladies to whom they owed so much for their work at the bazaar. They had now a green which was second to none and a pavilion to be proud of: When their late President, Mr Alex. Darling, had suggested that the honours should go round, the members decided that there was only one man to follow him, and that was Mr Redpath. He was the best worker the club had had at its bazaar, and it was mainly though him that they were there that day.

Image showing Public Bowling Green

Mr R. Logan, acting President, in calling upon Mr Redpath to open the pavilion, said :- ladies and gentlemen, we are delighted to have such a splendid turn-out this afternoon, and more so by having the presence of the Mayoress, at the opening of our new pavilion. Our secretary has given you a full report of what has been done with the money which was raised at the bazaar held last year, and we as members of Ravensdowne Club must thank all those ladies and gentlemen who gave their valuable time and assistance. Had it not been for them I do not think we should have had this pavilion. We have met here to ask our Honorary president, who you all know is a lover of sport, and who gave his valuable time from business to accept the life membership of the club and this silver key with which to open our new pavilion. (Applause).

Mr Walker, ex-President, proposed a vote of thanks to Mr Redpath for the pleasant way he had spoken and also opened the door, and he thanked the ladies, who had worked well from the highest to the lowest, and without whom there would have been no bazaar.

Tea was then served in the large room of the pavilion to the ladies. Just before the last batch of players had finished their tea, Mr Jackson, the genial Secretary of Spittal Club for their kindly hospitality. He had (and he was sure they all had) spent a very pleasant afternoon, and he congratulated those in charge of the arrangements for the way everything had passed off.


Later on in the evening a very interesting little ceremony took place. This was a presentation to Mr James Mace on the occasion of his marriage. A keen bowler and a very useful member of the club (especially when there is anything to be done), he showed his worth during the alterations and extensions to the green. Mr R. Logan handed over the gifts – a silver cake dish, a cruet, and a butter dish- and in doing so extended to Mr Mace his own best wishes and the best wishes of the members. In a few words Mr Mace thanked the members for their very unexpected gifts – appreciated all the more on the account – and Mr Logan for his good wishes.

A little more play ended what might truthfully be termed “a perfect day.”


At Duns Sheriff Court of Friday before Sheriff Macaulay Smith,

John Wilson, Abbey Road, Coldstream, and Thomas J. White, Homebank, Eccles, were charged with having at Birgham Hall on the night of the 14th April committed a breach of the peace by fighting. Both pled guilty.

The Depute Procurator Fiscal stated that the accused, Wilson, was dancing with a partner when White pushed a lady. There was a heated conversation, and both accused went out and had a stand up fight. After the dance they had again been fighting.

Neither of the accused had anything to say and each was fined 10s.


John Gibson, Richard Malcolm, William Smith, Alexander Robson, John B. Robson, and Frederick Anderson, all of Norham-on-Tweed, pled guilty to committing a breach of the peace at Fountain Cottage, Ladykirk.

It appeared from the statement of the Procurator that an old man named Smith and his wife resided at this cottage. They were considerably annoyed by these young men congregating about the door and throwing stones. Apparently, they had come over the Border from Norham. The old man was afraid of his wife’s health and had informed the police.

His lordship characterised the offence as sheer hooliganism and said these young men would have to realis that this sort of thing would not be put up with. He had difficulty in not sending them to prison. Fined 10s each. Fines paid.



MESSRS John D. Wood and Co., who conducted the recent sale of portions of the Chillingham Castle estate, announce that the total sum realised to date amounts to between £70,000 and £80,000. Negotiations are proceeding for the sale of several of the remaining lots, and it seems probable that the whole of the outlying portions of this historic estate will be disposed of.

BRO 2788/2/2 Outlying Portions of The Chillingham Castle Estate

The auctioneers state that the following lots have now been sold :- Lot 1 – Chillingham Newton Mill farm, over 43 acres, near Ilderton. Lot 2- Chillingham Newton Farm, over 700 acres, near Ilderton. Lot 3 – Fowberry Park Farm, over 875 acres, near Wooler. Lot 5 – Accommodation grass, over 2 acres, Wooler. Lot 6 – Accommodation land, over 3 acres, Wooler. Lot 7 – Freehold ground rent, Wooler. Lot 12 – Thornington Farm, over 652 acres, near Mindrum Station. Lot 13 – Elwick Farm, over 845 acres, near Belford. Lot 14 – Ross Farm, over 1,738 acres, near Belford.


Claude Herbert Hedley, farmer, Henlaw, Chatton, was charged at Alnwick Petty Sessions on Saturday with three simultaneous offences, first, with being drunk and disorderly while in charge of a motor car; secondly, with driving the car to the danger of the public; and third, driving a car without having a driver’s license between Newton-on-the-Moor and Felton on April 30. The offences proved by P.C. Nelson.

BRO 515/50 View of Chatton. nd.

Hedley, who had had his driving license suspended for five years at Alnwick Court some months ago, was committed to prison for one month in the second division. At Belford Petty Sessions in November, his license was suspended for six months, and he was fines the maximum penalty of £2.





In Howick Reading Room of Thursday last Mr Hugh J. Percy, deputy coroner for North Northumberland, held an inquest touching the death of Mark Thompson, whose body was washed up by the sea near Howick on Wednesday morning.

Hector Thompson, of 5 Old Colliery, Scremerston, deposed – I identify the body of deceased as that of my brother, Mark Thompson, late of 7 Derwentwater Terrace, Scremerston, a motor driver, and a single man aged 34 years. I identify the body by reason of a long blue scar on the left leg which he got as the result of an accident about six years ago. He has had no troubles – mental or physical, and he was always healthy and in good spirits. He left Scremerston in charge of a motor lorry bound for Howick on the 21st March. He was dressed in blue overalls. I have never seen him since.

BRO 0515-211 Scremerston, showing colliery in the background

Robert Dixon Gray said – I live at Howick Red Steads. On the 22nd march I was on the highway near to Howick Lodge when I saw a man dressed in blue overalls about 34 years of age, clean shaven, about 9.30 a.m. In answer to his inquiry I directed him to where a wrecked submarine lay on the rocks near to Howick Point. He left me going in that direction. The tide would be low about 11 o’clock. He was quite sober and in normal cheerful spirits.

Benjamin mason said – I am a roadman, and when on the Howick to Craster road about 7 a.m. on the 18th April I looked over on the beach and saw the body of a man lying. He was naked and the head off the body and nowhere to be seen. I gave warning at once to the police. The body was about 15 years below high-water mark. The tide was about half ebb.

P.C. A Robertson, Longhoughton, said :- I was informed at 11p.m. on the 23rd March that Mark Thompson was missing from Howick Red Steads, and that he had left his work the previous day to go and see the submarine. I searched the submarine but found nothing. On the 16th April the overalls (produced) were washed up on the beach near to Howick Point. I examined the body on receipt of the report and found the headless body of a man with a scar on the left leg. The body was bruised but had no serious wounds. The right hand was off.

Reference; OS 1st ED ROLL 7 Howick, showing Howick Red Stead.

The Coroner reviewed the evidence up to the finding of the body, headless, one hand off, and battered about by the sea and rocks. That body was identified to his complete satisfaction by reason of a scar on the left leg, as being that of Mark Thompson. That was all, really, that they knew about the case, or probably could ever be told. The utmost he could do was to infer from the evidence, and piece together, probabilities of what had happened. There were three alternatives; one was that Mark Thompson had met his death by foul play through the agency of some person, but he (Mr Percy) saw no probability of any such thing having occurred, and in any case, Thompson was a man who probably could hold his own in any interference with any person. There were also the alternatives of accident and suicide. Mental troubles or physical troubles did not apply in the least to Mark Thompson. He was cheery and of happy disposition. That was borne out by the witness Gray, who told them that he was cheerful and in normal spirits when he left him to go and see the submarine. They knew the position of the submarine; they knew there were dangers, and they knew how fierce and terrible were the suctions and currents of the sea at that particular place, and he did not think he would be erring if he drew the following inference from the evidence :- That in trying to get aboard, or being aboard, he slipped off, and was perhaps stunned or hurt and was unable to get up, and was sucked under the water and drowned.

A verdict was returned that “deceased was accidentally drowned whilst inspecting a wrecked submarine at Howick Rocks on 22nd March 1923.”


In his report for the quarter ended 31st March, 1923, the Medical Officer (Dr P. W. Maclagan) stated:- There were registered during the period 63 births and 32 deaths, giving a birth rate of 20.48 and a death rate of 10.33. This is a higher birth rate and a lower death rate than the previous quarter and compared with the quarter ended March of last year we have 19 fewer births and 25 fewer deaths. The exceptionally low death rate for this quarter is a good start for 1923. Twenty-one patients were admitted to hospital during the quarter. These consisted of 19 borough patients, viz., 14 scarlet fever, 4 diphtheria, and 1 encephalitis lethargica, and 2 patients (one scarlet fever) and one (diphtheria) from Norham and Islandshire district. All the scarlet fever and diphtheria patients have made good recoveries. The case of encephalitis lethargica is the first of the kind reported in this borough. This patient was a roadman chiefly employed on the Paxton road. He had been admitted in the first instance to the Infirmary for observation and treatment, but when the nature of his illness became evident, he was transferred on the 10th March to the Isolation Hospital. Encephalitis lethargica is a notifiable infectious disease and was therefore removed to the Isolation Hospital. It is only very slightly infectious, and no further cases need be anticipated. Three months ago, there were one or two cases of smallpox in Northumberland, and I considered it advisable to make chickenpox notifiable in order that I might be in a position to receive notice of any suspicious case. There have been no fresh cases of smallpox in the County and I do not think it necessary to continue this precaution.



Before D. H. W. Askew, G. N. Broadbent, Chas. Forsyth, Theo. Bolus. Esqs., and Miss Henderson.

A Berwick boy who has been remanded on two occasions on a charge of discharging a catapult on the Walls and was detained for certification under the Mental Deficiency Act, again appeared before the bench. The boy, who was accompanied by his father, sobbed bitterly during the hearing.

The Superintendent outlined the case and said since last Court he had written to the Committee of the Feeble-Minded Colony at Prudhoe Hall, enclosing the certificate from Dr Caverhill, which had been previously presented to the Bench. Mr Mitchell, the representative of the Committee, was now present and would be prepared to give the bench any further information.

The father of the boy asked permission to give the bench certain information in the course of which he said, while his son was at school, he (witness) had not been satisfied with what he was learning. He went to the school and saw the former headmaster, Mr O’Connell, who put the boy on a form and made him read from a book. The boy read what he was told to read all right. Mr O’Connell said the boy was doing all right. Even when Mr Johnston was headmaster witness was told that the boy was ding fairly well. Still witness was not satisfied with what the boy had picked up. He could hardly write his name, or say his a.b.c’s. It was entirely due to the serious accident he had sustained 11 years ago at Haddington when his skull was fractured.

Reference: OS 3RD ED 102 NW Section showing Prudhoe Hall, c.1924

Mr Bolus – You told us at a previous court the boy had learned nothing, yet you tell us now that the teachers were satisfied with him.

Witness – That was what Mr O’Connell told me.

Mr Bolus – Your statement today is contradicting what you said then.

Witness – What I meant was that the boy had not learned as he should have learned, all through his accident.

The Superintendent – But you agree to the boy going to this home.

Witness- I think it will be the best thing for him, but his mother is very cut up about it.

The Superintendent – I quite understand her feelings, but you agree it will be for his good to go there.

Mr Mitchell, of the Prudhoe Hall Colony, read Dr Caverhill’s certificate which stated that he had attended the boy at Haddington over nine years ago after a serious accident. This accident, in Dr Caverhill’s opinion, was the direct cause of the boy’s mental condition, which he found to be deficient. In his opinion the boy was not responsible for his actions.

Inrepky to a question by the Chairman, the father said he was prepared to contribute 4s per week towards the boy’s keep at Prudhoe Hall, the figure mentioned by Mr Mitchell.

Miss Henderson and Mr Askew assured the father that the boy would have every chance at Prudhoe, which was charmingly situated and had very fine grounds. In addition to being taught a trade the boy would get plenty opportunity for sport, cricket, football, etc. Miss Henderson kindly offered to have a talk with the boy’s mother and tell how well he would be looked after there, and that every facility would be given for his parents to see him from time to time. The bench made the necessary order for the boy to go to Prudhoe Hall and dismissed the charge of discharging stones from a catapult.




St. Mary’s Church, Castlegate, 1980’s Ref: BRO 1497-101

On Easter Monday and Tuesday the children of St. Mary’s Berwick, gave a very excellent programme in the operetta “Zurika, the Gipsy Maid, or captive Pricess,” by Clementina Ward. Monday, to a packed house; Tuesday, to a good audience.

The programme each night opened with one verse of God Save the King, with Harry Manuel standing with the Union Jack and calling the audience to attention.


The King and Queen have sent autographed portraits of themselves to rev. A. H. Kelk, Rector of Goldsborough, Yorks, and Mrs Kelk, as souvenirs of the christening of the infant son of Princess Mary and Viscount Lascelles. The latter have given Mr and Mrs Kelk a handsome silver inkstand, with facsimile inscription “From Mary and Lascelles.”

Mrs Kelk is a native of Berwick, and member of old Family of Berwick Freemen. She was Miss Bessie mark, daughter of the late Mr Kingston Mark, Church St., Berwick, who at one time held important Government position in Woolwich Dockyard, and was intimate friend of late Duke of Cambridge.


At a Children’s Court on Wednesday, before R. Boston, Esq., Miss Henderson, T. Bolus, C. Forsyth and G.N. Broadbent, Esqs., a Berwick boy, remanded a fortnight ago on a charge of throwing stones from a catapult, and to be medically examined, was again before Court.- Mr Wallace, probation Officer, handed in a letter from Dr T. P. Caverhill, which stated that 7 years ago when in Haddington, he had attended the boy after an accident when he suffered from a fractured skull. This was the cause of his present condition, and he was practically not responsible for his actions. – Mr Wallace said the boy’s parents had no control over him, and were anxious to get him into a home.- The case was adjourned for another fortnight in order that Supt. Halliday might get into communication with the Committee in Newcastle, and to make further enquiries.


At Kelso Police Court yesterday, Provost Middlemas presiding, Alistair Paton, farming student, Ford Westfield, Cornhill, was fined 40s, or 20 days in prison, for being drunk while in charge of a motor car in Kelso Square on 6th March.

The case had been adjourned from a fortnight ago, owing to Mr Guthrie, the Burgh Prosecutor, desiring to withdraw the summons, because the accused had already tho?? his assize through being convicted for a similar offence committed on the same day at Galashiels.

The Provost held that the two cases were quite distinct, and imposed the penalty stated above.


“The Anchorage,” Woolmarket, Berwick, to be sold by public auction, is one of Berwick’s best-known houses, for it was the Home of Dr Johnston and his daughter, Mrs Barwell Carter,

The Anchorage, Woolmarket, 1959 Ref: BRO 1250/205

who for so many years welcomed Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club within its walls, on the Club’s annual visit to Berwick. Dr Johnston was Founder of the Club, and each year his daughter showed and explained many of the personal treasures of this gifted Citizen.


A meeting of Berwick Town Council was held on Tuesday evening. Present: The Mayor; Ald. Cowe, Wilson; Couns. Brewis, Morrison, Blench, Dickinson, Anderson, (Mrs) Edminson, Lockhart, Martin Bolus, Boston, Watt, Dudgeon, Redpath, Stuart; with the Clerk (Mr Twigg), the Land Steward (Mr Bolam), the Accountant (Mr Gibson).

Apologies were intimated from the Sheriff and Coun. Lyall. The Mayor expressed regret that Coun. Lyall was not able to be out yet but hoped he would soon be among them again. (Hear, hear).


The Mayor made feeling reference to the bereavement suffered by Ald. Boston and Mr Adam Aird, both of whom had a long connection with the Council, and on his motion it was agreed to send a letter of condolence to Ald. Boston. The members showed their approval by rising to their feet.


In accordance with notice given a month ago, Coun. Edminson was to have moved :- That in view of the necessity of the provision of a site for Housing in connection with the recent gift of Mr W. H. Askew, the Town Council as Trustees of the Freemen’s Estate instruct the Farm and Works Committee to consult with the Freemen of the Borough in order that steps may be taken either by the promotion of a Bill or otherwise to free the lands included in the First Three Schedules of the Settlement Act from the restrictions against the sale of such lands.

The Mayor suggested that in view of the recommendation from the Farm and Works Committee, to the meeting, she should defer her motion until then. This she agreed to do.

The farm and Works Committee reported: – In connection with the question of Road Works, etc., for the purpose of developing lands in Schedule 3 of the Corporation Act, 1843, for building purposes, the Town Clerk reported receipt of a letter from the Charity Commissioners expressing the opinion that they see no reason to dissent from Counsel’s opinion on the subject, taken in 1906. The opinion in question was that such an expenditure is lawful. The Committee agreed that a meeting be held with the Freemen’s Committee in order to discuss whether action cannot now be taken to obtain the removal of the restrictions upon the transfer of lands included in the first three schedules to the Act.

The mayor moved the adoption of the report and explained that the matter came up on the letter from the Charity Commissioners. Coun. Bolus seconded.

Mrs Edminson withdrew her motion.- Agreed.


With opening in Berwick Town of 1923 Golfing Season has come the usual wandering about the Course by people – (especially children)- who have no right to be there, but who are, apparently and unfortunately, allowed to go about wherever they like on the Course, and to do very much as they please. Such a state of things makes for trouble. Indeed, a serious accident has already occurred, whereby a youngster was struck on the face by a golf ball. The child has no right to be where it was at the time and was unseen by the players until the accident occurred.

Magdalene Fields Golf Course, 20th Century Aerial photograph, Berwick-upon-Tweed

No blame can be attributed to the golfers. But the management of the Course must take reasonable steps to stop the continuous trespass, which has become not only a nuisance but a danger. In case of accidents, the Law will not protect them unless they are able to show that reasonable steps have been taken to warn the Public. Indeed, in the matter of trespass the Law will hold that there is no trespass until the trespasser has been personally warned off the place.

Among latest improvements as Goswick Golf Club House is the erection of a smoke-room, which will help to lessen congestion in the luncheon and tea-room, where, hitherto, people have sat on after meals, and kept others waiting unduly for their food.

A Border lady, whose people belonged to Duns says her father played golf at the age of 93. Lord Joicey, who often motors over from Ford Castle to play on Goswick Course, is 77, and thus has a long way to go yet. We hope to see him enjoying Golf at 93.

Congratulations to Wooler Golf Club on getting into 2nd Round of Northumberland County Contest for “Newcastle Chronicle” Cup. Wooler (Geo. Tully and R. Redpath) beat Tynedale (W. Raisbeck and J. Turner) by 4 up and 3 to play- very creditable victory. Prompter hopes they’ll do well next round.