Animating the Manor – What are Manorial Documents?

Everyday Life in a Northumbrian Manor:
Animating the Manor - Learning Resources

What are Manorial Documents?

Manorial documents are records that were made by the Manor. The records tell stories of the community and the people that lived on the manor.

The oldest manorial document from Northumberland in the care of Northumberland Archives is dated 1443 – a Hexham Court Roll.  

Land transfer was recorded in court records and the courts heard cases of manorial tenants breaking the customs (laws) of the Manor. In the early period these include cases of anti-social behaviour. The manor courts were involved in cases that would now fall under the jurisdiction of trading standards (mis-selling of goods etc.) and planning (encroachments etc.) 

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Visit our Glossary page.

  • How many types of Manorial documents can you find? 
  • What does each type of Manorial document tell do?

Example Documents

NRO 0672/A/9/2/2

NRO 04206/f.21

NRO 0691/49/A/2/3/6

NRO 0672/A/3/105/1

BRO 331/A/1/2/1

Each of these images represents a different type of Manorial document. Click on the image to see an enlarged version.

Using the images, and your list of document types from the glossary, try work out for each image:

  1. What type of document is it?
  2. When was the document made?
  3. Which Manor in Northumberland is it from?
  4. What information does the document give us?

Be aware – you might not be able to find an answer to every question for every document!

Teaching note – this activity works well as a circuit activity. Divide the cohort into 5 groups. Allocate a table for each document and place 2-3 copies of that document on the table. Rotate each group around each table in 5 minute increments. Have groups feed back what they have discovered at the end of the last round. 

Click through the tabs below to find the answers to the questions for each document.

1. What type of document is it?

Surrender and admission

2. When was the document made?

8 July 1813

3. Which Manor in Northumberland is it from?

Manor of Hexham

4. What information does the document give us?

Shows one tenant giving up Manorial land and another tenant taking it over.

1. What type of document is it?


2. When was the document made?


3. Which Manor in Northumberland is it from?

Manor of Wooler

4. What information does the document give us?

Shows us the land included in the Manor and the names of tenants.

1. What type of document is it?

Call roll

2. When was the document made?

3 October 1748

3. Which Manor in Northumberland is it from?

Manor of Newbiggin by the Sea

4. What information does the document give us?

A list of tenants expected to attend the Manor court.

1. What type of document is it?

Borough book – Rules and Customs

2. When was the document made?


3. Which Manor in Northumberland is it from?

Manor of Hexham

4. What information does the document give us?

Rules and customs of the Manor of Hexham.

1. What type of document is it?


2. When was the document made?

22 November 1711

3. Which Manor in Northumberland is it from?

Manor of Lowick

4. What information does the document give us?

A statement accusing someone of breaking the rules of the Manor.