People behind the Berwick Archives (Twixt Thistle and Rose)

I’m Teresa Maley, Cataloguing Archivist for the Twixt Thistle and Rose project. I’ll be working in Berwick over the next year, primarily, to create an electronic catalogue of the Borough records. My first job, back in 1981, was with the Northumberland Record Office. In those days the Record Office sent an archivist to Berwick once a week to open the Borough Archives to the public. That was my first encounter with these records and the people who used them.

Day one on the project


Linda Bankier – who is also an Archivist by profession – leads the Berwick Record Office team and has worked here since the 1980’s. The Record Office is based in the Library building in Walkergate. Largely through her efforts, the service has grown from a minimal presence to a full time Record Office for Berwick and North Northumberland. The collections have grown too. Linda is assisted, for part of the week, by Carole Pringle and Martha Andrews. The team prepare and run the busy search room on Wednesdays and Thursdays throughout the year as well as delivering a full programme of events and outreach activities.

Researchers and Volunteers in the Archives

Activities include working with local schools, delivering talks to a variety of groups in the area, taking part in Heritage Open Days and other events and festivals in Berwick and North Northumberland. The Berwick Record Office is part of Northumberland Archives at Woodhorn so Linda and the team are also involved in projects organised further afield.


The team has supported a number of local and national history projects that have revealed the richness and variety of the Berwick records – such as Peregrini, Berwick 900, Flodden 1513, Waite and Sea and and From Cholera to Comic. Many of the participants in those projects were keen to volunteer on subsequent projects or support the general work of the Berwick Record Office by transcribing, cataloguing or indexing records.

Over the last couple of weeks I have been meeting volunteers and have been impressed by the skill and dedication they bring to the tasks they undertake. Almost everyone seems to have had some experience of carrying out research before they volunteered – be it genealogical or historical. However, they are given training in palaeography and other aspects of archival practice by Linda to help them to read the records, understand and conserve them.  

A list of work undertaken by volunteers would be very long so here is a flavour of what they do:

Indexing local newspapers extracting references to: nineteenth century Coroners reports (to fill gaps in the record series), Ships in and out of Berwick and their cargoes from the early 1800’s, Visitors to the seaside resort of Spittal in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – recording it’s changing character over those years and reports about the lives of local soldiers on home leave during World War I

Indexing and transcribing Board of Guardians records for Berwick, Glendale and Belford – opening up records about poverty and public health

Summarizing, indexing and typing up the Guild correspondence, enrolment books and minutes so that the early history, fabric and governance of the Town is better known

Creating a searchable database of Freeman’s Admissions as part of the Berwick Families element of the Berwick 900 project

Indexing, transcribing and cataloguing the records of the Quarter and Petty Sessions – a mine of information for social historians

Creating a database of the Town Council Planning registers – full of details about major and minor building works – built or not built!

Conserving and cataloguing the music cards of the Kings Own Scottish Borderers Band – providing an insight into popular and military musical taste in the twentieth century

Cataloguing and conserving the Berwick Photo Centre archive – a huge task but unlocking a wonderful resource for anyone interested in a visual record of Berwick, North Northumberland and the Scottish Borders from the 1950’s

A history, in it’s many guises, of the Berwick Corn Exchange

and, more recently, a database created from the card index of Holy Island residents compiled by Professor Sheddick which was a part of the Peregrini project.

Peregrini logo

I was interested to hear the reasons why people volunteer – one person wants to keep up their touch-typing skills now they have retired, another told me it was the joy of handling original documents and others described the thrill of the chase when following a single story through several sources. I also met several people who have carried out their own research – long term projects such as the history of the salmon fisheries on the Tweed or studies of individual buildings and people of the area.

Some of the work the volunteers have done is destined to be included in the new catalogue as it is within the scope of the project and, personally, I’m very pleased that my task will be much easier with such knowledgeable and friendly people on hand!


Berwick is particularly lucky to have a full and almost unbroken series of records from the sixteenth century onward. It is clear that, from earliest times, protection of their records was of high importance to the Guild and Town. I have started to look at the some of the earliest Guild Books (more about them next time) and was heartened, as an archivist, to see such a robust record keeping system documented, monitored and practiced. When a Head Guild met, the clerk noted down first those present but the next item of business was usually a list of charters and other writings of the town that were securely held in the “Town Chist”. The clerk recorded when a document was removed (the reason why and to whom given) and when it was put back.

A sixteenth century security measure

This prompted me to think about another group of people that should be mentioned here and who are relevant to this project – those writers and keepers of the records that set a precedent for the custodians of today.

The series of records Berwick has inherited would not be so complete had the Guild been less vigilant in the protection of its rights. From earliest times, the Guild knew that the key to a solid defence of those rights was the existence of authentic, written records and so ensured they protected and were in possession of their archives at all times.

However, the clerks who penned the town records must have tired of copying sometimes and this week, as if to remind me they shouldn’t be forgotten, I came across some of their less formal writings and doodles.

“Vox audita perit, sed Litera scripta manet”

I was also intrigued by this little pencil sketch

Marginalia in Draft Guild Book 1784-1793 (B2/8)

It reminded me of the sign manual that Scottish notaries were obliged to place on the instruments they wrote as one part of authenticating the document. The sign manual was a pen and ink seal unique to them. Alternatively, the doodle has the look of a coat of arms or it might just have been added later by someone reading rather than writing the records.

If you know what it is please get in touch!




The dance on Old Year’s Night in the Public Hall to provide funds for the Welcome to Local Soldiers and Sailors was a great success, and was carried on till 3.30 in the morning. Seaman Joe Bell acted as M.C., and Miss Jean Smith was the accompanist, and the hall was beautifully decorated.

Norham Public Hall © Copyright: Maigheach-gheal.  Creative Commons Licence, Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 Generic.  

During the evening Mr John Scott’s gramophone added to the enjoyment of the large assembly, and there was a raffle for a cockerel, which was won by Private Murray Gregor, who has had a spell in Germany where few cockerels came his way. It is proposed to have a whist drive and dances at an early date to provide still more funds for the welcome.


Miners are being demobilised from the Army with all speed to work in the mine, and the following have arrived home: – Private Robert Blake and George Y. Richardson, Old Hill, both of the Coldstream Guards. They joined up together in April, 1918, putting in their training at Caterham and Windsor Great Park. They arrived in France in October, 1918, and were in the last of the engagements, after which they marched with our victorious army to Cologne, from where they were sent home.


We are pleased to see another honour has fallen to Quarter Master and Major William M. Allan son of Mr David Allan, of Chatton. For his valuable services in Salonika he has been given the O.B.E (Military Division). Major Allan joined the army 37 years ago as a private, and has had many honours and distinctions conferred on him in his long army career. At the outbreak of war he was with his battalion in India, and shortly afterwards went to France where he is still serving. He has been three times mentioned in despatches, twice from France and once from Salonika. Major Allan began work as a lad in the “Advertiser,” Office and has still friends in the town. He is expected home during the month, and will be sure of a warm welcome.

Lieut-Colonel Stuart McAllum R. A. M. C who was awarded the D. S. O in the New Year’s Honours List was for several years prior to the war Medical Officer in Berwick.

The former Royal High School, Edinburgh, where Lieut-Colonel Stuart McAllum, DSO, R.A.M.C., was educated.  © Copyright: Richard Webb.  Creative Commons Licence, Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 Generic.  

He went to France in 1914 and has been on active service ever since. He was educated at the Royal High School Edinburgh. During his stay in Berwick he was keenly interested in sport and was an active member of The Berwick-on-Tweed Golf Club, and also of the Tennis and Badminton Clubs.

Lance-Corpl. Robin Ironside, 11th Argyll and Sutherlands, son of Mr and Mrs Ironside, Hope Nurseries, Berwick, has returned home from Germany, where he has been a prisoner of war. He was wounded and taken prisoner on August 22nd, 1917, and after spending some time in a hospital in Belgium was sent to Quedlinburgh Camp, where he has been ever since. Corporal Ironside is reluctant to speak of his experiences but his lot in common with others in Germany has certainly not been an easy one. After the signing of the Armistice the British prisoners who had until then always been addressed as “swine,” were called “gentlemen,” a somewhat sudden change of opinion. Corporal Ironside is very grateful for the parcels sent out to him, and says none of the men would have been alive today without them.

The Comrades of the Great War are arranging a great Victory Ball to be held in the Corn Exchange at a date yet to be fixed.

Image from the Berwick Advertiser 4 December 1858, opening of the newly erected Corn Exchange, Berwick-upon-Tweed.

Fancy dresses and masks will be worn. The fete is under the distinguished patronage of among others, Col Sir Francis Blake, Bart., C. B., M.P., D.L., the Commanding Officer and Officers of the K.O.S.B. Depot, and Colonel McLaren, K.O.S.B.

Sergeant Edwin Wallace, M.M., 1st King’s Own Scottish Borderers, who has been spending a few days leave in Berwick, returns to Summer Camp, Eastbourne, tomorrow (Friday). His many friends in Berwick and elsewhere will wish him every success

On Wednesday night, Mrs Short, wife of Lance-Corpl. Short, Northumberland Fusiliers, had the pleasure of welcoming him back to Berwick, after his being a year and a half a prisoner in Germany.

Private B. A. Mole, K.O.S.B., Woolmarket, Berwick who has been a prisoner of war in Germany since April, 1916, passed through Berwick Station on Tuesday night en route from Leith to Ripon.


On Tuesday morning when the men at the Malaria Huts fell in on parade as usual they were ordered by a N.C.O. to stand to attention. A detachment ignored the command, whereupon the sergeant ordered them to fall out for fatigue duties. Again the men took no notice. On an explanation being demanded they stated that they wished to be demobilised as quickly as possible and that they refused to go to Ireland as ordered. They repeated their demands to the officer in charge, who was, of course, unable to move in the matter. A meeting of sympathisers was held on Wednesday, but no formal resolution was put. Most of the men belong to London, and have employers, who are anxious to take them back into their pre-war jobs, but they fear that demobilisation is still a long way off.

This Week in World War One, 27 December 1918



One feature of the Christmas season in Berwick was the extraordinary number of service men on leave, several not having spent Christmas at home for the past few years. The shops on Christmas Eve were very busy, and the great shortage of fruit, especially apples, as well as the exorbitant prices asked were the subject of much comment. Children lamented the scarcity of sweets, as “two ounces” only was the general rule in most shops.

(c) BRO 2103-4-458 Santa at Berwick

The weather on Christmas Day was stormy and disagreeable during the forenoon, but cleared away fine later in the day. Things were very quiet on the whole in the town. At night some children dressed up as “Mummers” went from house to house singing. This is a custom that is not often observed in Berwick. Services were held in some of the churches.


The inmates of the Workhouse were treated to a good dinner of roast beef and plum-pudding on Christmas Day. As is customary tobacco was given to the smokers and sweets to the non-smokers. Mr Stirling, Tweedmouth, kindly supplied beer, and aerated waters were also sent in.

(c) BRO 1541-01 Entrance to the Workhouse

There are only 33 inmates at present a marked contrast to the years before the war when there were generally well over one hundred.


The patients at the Infirmary were entertained to dinner and tea on Christmas Day by Dr. C. G. Maclagan, chairman of the House Committee. During the afternoon gifts were distributed from a prettily decorated Christmas tree in one of the wards. Some members of Committee and a few friends’ including the Mayor and Mayoress, Lady Wilkie-Dalyell, Miss Wilkie-Dalyell, and Miss Maclagan, were present. The tree and evergreens which added so greatly to the festive appearance of the wards were kindly given by Lady Wilkie-Dalyell. There were not quite so many children amongst the patients as on former occasions.


A splendid dinner of the usual Christmas fare was served at mid-day to the men at the Barracks on Christmas Day. A great many men are off home on their twelve days leave. During the course of the dinner Major McAlester, the Officer Commanding, visited the Dining Hall, which was most tastefully decorated, and wishing them all the compliments of the season gave the men some words of good advice.


The majority of the officers, non-commissioned officers and men are away on Christmas leave, large batches leaving daily. A most excellent dinner was served on Christmas Day, with the usual fare, and greatly enjoyed by all present.


The work at the Berwick Post Office this year has been greatly in excess of last year, but not up to the standard of the pre-war period. Saturday was a busy day, but the posting on Monday were very heavy. The 24th and 25th Dec. were as usual very busy days. A special feature was the heavy postings of letter packets due no doubt to the increased parcel rates which make it cheaper to send a smaller parcel at letter rates. The Christmas Cards also came more into favour this year. The temporary assistants employed this year were women and they did their work well; as did the whole of the regular staff.


On Monday morning Mr and Mrs Huffam, of 119 High Street, received word that their youngest son, Second Lieut. James Palmer Huffam, 5th Duke of Wellington’s, attached 2nd battalion had been awarded the Victoria Cross. The news was received in a wire from their son’s Commanding Officer congratulating them upon the award, and Mr Huffam has since received the following letter from Lieut. Col. Pawlett.

2nd Batt, Duke of Wellington’s Regt.

19 December, 1918

Dear Mr Huffam, – I hardly know whether to congratulate you or thank you on the occasion of the honour bestowed on your son – congratulations are on the occasion of the honour- to you as the father of such a boy, and thanks for the award coming to the Regiment. We have been anxious for some time whether this well merited reward was coming through for one who so richly and deservedly earned it, but now we are happy to think it has and your boy is alive and well at the last of the fighting. I cannot express a small part of the pride we all feel in having so noble a hero as your son as a member of our Battalion which bears such a noble name and record. May you and your gallant son live long to enjoy the fame which he has earned so nobly. This is the brightest Christmas greeting I can send from my Battalion and may you enjoy many more. Yours sincerely J. PAWLETT, Lt,. Col., Commanding 2nd, The Duke of Wellington’s Regiment.

The non-commissioned officers and men of “C” Coy., have also telegraphed to Mr Huffam, their congratulations on the Second Lieut’s winning the V.C.



Private Murray Gregor, N.F., returned to his home on Saturday night from Germany. He was taken prisoner when the Huns began their great offensive on March 21st last, and was sent into Eastern Prussia, where he worked at first down a mine, but was afterwards put to do farm work, for which he received a mark a day. The Huns, he says, were cruel taskmasters, and especially did he find them so while working down the mine. He speaks very highly of the parcels sent out by the Northumberland Prisoners’ of War Fund Committee, which he declares kept, him alive for he could get very little to eat otherwise. Private Murray Gregor previous to being taken prisoner had seen much fighting, often being employed in the dangerous work of sniping. His two months’ leave will, we trust, bring about a great improvement in his state of health. Before joining up he was a forester on the Ladykirk estate. There are now four lads in our village who have been prisoners of war in Germany, viz., Sergt. Marshall, Corpl. H. Moody, Private T. Tait and Private Murray Gregor.

There are many young lads going about our village in khaki or blue, home for their twelve days leave. The boys in blue are Petty Officer J. White, Stoker J. Cowe, Seaman J. Bell, and Seaman Jas. Wilkinson; whilst in khaki we notice Private G. Strother, N.F.; Private R. Swan, N.F.; Private Drummond, R.G.A., and the returned prisoners of war. A dance has been arranged by some of the young ladies of the village for New Year’s Eve, at which is expected a fair gathering of the boys. The proceeds of this dance are to go towards the Welcome Home Fund



The coupons book will continue in use for some months, and a fresh edition will probably follow the current issue after March.

The forecast for rations may be assumed up as follows:-

MEAT – Home produce short until the spring, in view of which imports are economised so as to build up reserves.

BUTTER – Increase not likely until cattle are put to grass, when more milk, now very short, will admit of increased dairy output.

MARGARINE – An ounce may be added to the weekly ration early in the New Year.

SUGAR – Ration to be increased to 3/4lb weekly from the end of January.

JAM – Revision expected second week in January; may lead to coupons being dispensed with.

Generally, if jam is the first article to go off the ration list, margarine will be the second, and sugar and butter will follow as conditions improve.