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In order to secure a Public Hall for Burnmouth, a bazaar is to be held at Berwick. Mr John Anderson, Nulla Ghar, is Chairman of Burnmouth Hall Committee; Mr John Kinross, Schoolmaster, is Secretary; and Mr Thos. Barnfather, Stationmaster, is Treasurer. There are few spots on East Coast that can boast of such natural beauty as Burnmouth Village, mecca of Artists. Facing the sea yet shrinking from it into the shadow of the imposing Berwickshire Cliffs that rise to a height of 200 or 300 feet, stand the red-tiled cottages of the fishing community of this rock-bound coast- rich at every turn with picturesque scenery which Nature has bestowed with lavish hand. In Burnmouth Village there are some 400 inhabitants, and it is proposed the Hall be erected of the benefit of the whole community. By the efforts of the people themselves, about £150 have been raised since last March, and it is hoped the Bazaar in Berwick will make up the amount necessary. The young people, amongst whom are 60 ex-service men, have no place of meeting for recreation and social intercourse, and they have a special claim on public support, if village life is to be quickened, and the evenings made bright after a heavy day’s toil upon the sea. Truly indeed has it been said that the hardy fisherman’s calling in the vasty deep is “Lives o’ men.”



Interest on Sunday afternoon last was largely centred on that part of the foreshore to which the Manure and Gas Works are immediately adjacent; groups of people watched the incoming tide, which being “Spring tide,” and one of the highest of its kind, forced itself with great power against the massive concrete cubes, which Messers McCreath had provided as a barrage against the tide in their efforts to protect their works. So great was the force of the waves that it undermined the foundation of sand and brought the cubes toppling down as if they had been mere paving setts. Men laboured the whole day (Sunday) filling the sand bags and placing them in position, in an endeavour to prevent a further inroad of the unrelenting tide. Messrs Dixon’s works, now discarded, serves only as a breakwater, and while it holds will afford some protection to the works lying behind; but the tide is already running underneath the foundations in places, and a collapse of part of the superstructure at any moment would not be surprising. The angry sea running last week produced a marked effect not only on Dixon’s premises, and the approach to McCreath’s but also to the foreshore of the gas works.

1852 Map, Section showing Spittal

Here the foreshore has been used as a “tip” by the company for years, for the refuse from their works, consequently tons upon tons of rubbish have been banked up to a height of 10 or 15 feet, and this embankment has acted as a breakwater to the works. Gradually this debris, however, is being swept away, hundreds of tons at a time come crashing down under the impetus of the incoming tide, and should the erosion continue, the gas works, which are practically at sea-level will become inundated; indeed, that portion of Spittal lying north of St. Helen’s Terrace would appear to be none too safe from flooding, as the level it occupies is extremely low. The reclaiming of the foreshore now becomes a pressing question. What is needed is a strong concrete wall to form an efficient breakwater, and as a foundation would be difficult owing to the sandy nature of the bottom, such a project would be costly. How is such cost to be borne? Would it pay the proprietors of the several works involved to be at the cost of such a wall and so save their works, or would it pay such proprietors better to remove their works elsewhere?

BRO 426/879 St Helens Terrace, showing Industrial Spittal.

Evidently Messrs Dixon after spending something approaching £1000 in a vain attempt to save their works have thrown up the sponge. Should the remaining proprietors follow Messers Dixon’s lead, then the prospect for Spittal is none too good from the working man’s point of view, as many earn their daily bread in the various works. Is the question of the erection of a wall not one of wider interest than affects the effected property owners merely? Does it touch the Borough? Or wider still the Nation? On whoever the onus does rest, prompt action is necessary. The efforts which Messers McCreath are putting forth the sea is treating as puny, and it looks as if they, like their neighbour Dixon and co, are only spending time and money fruitlessly. Something solid on a substantial foundation is the correct remedy.


The first German trawler in Tweed Dock since the beginning of October arrived on Sunday last, having come direct from Bremerhaven, which port she left on the previous Friday. The “Dr. Asnas,” of Rostock, she took aboard 120 tons of bunker coal from Scremerston, motor lorries being engaged the whole of Monday conveying the coal from the pit. She left again for the fishing grounds on Tuesday afternoon.

Scremerston Colliery

The Glasgow steamer “Cretan” arrived in the Dock on Monday light, from the north, and sailed again on Wednesday with a cargo of barley, from Messrs H.G. McCreath and Sons. On Tuesday afternoon the schooner “John Sims,” Gloucester, arrived in the Dock in charge of 2 Spittal cobbles up the river. She is from Fewey with a cargo of China clay for Chirnside Paper Mills.


There is a stir in railway circles over the colour schemes to be adopted for locomotives and carriages now that uniformity is the order of the day as the result of all great railways of England and Scotland being combined into only 4 groups. Our own Coy., London and North Eastern, has come to a decision in regard to the change, and as its locomotives go through the “shops” for painting or repairing the passenger engines are being turned out in a green livery and goods engines in sober black. In both instances the new “trade mark, “L. & N.E.R.” appears in bold letters on the tender or other suitable position.

London, Midland, and Scottish Railway Coy. alone owns well over 10,000 locomotives and 25,000 passenger vehicles, which is world’s record, while London and North-Eastern possesses more than 7,500 engines and 20,000 “coaching vehicles.”


Mr Robt. Kerr, Christchurch, New Zealand, (Native of Berwick-upon-Tweed), writes us from the Colony – Out here we have a large number of men and women out of work, partly owing to so many coming from Overseas, which we workers rightly or wrongly resent. The difficult thing is to find work. Sometimes it means displacing local men, and then comes friction. I think, however, we are in a position to help, as we grow much what we use. But Protection is the workers’ watchword although we have a large Free Trade population. We all love cheapness! The seamen’s dispute has had bad effect on business; they object to a reduction of wages, but most trades have been reduced, no doubt the “bonus” cut of our Civil Servants has cost the Hon. W. F. Massey many seats in the General Election. Labour gained 8 seats, now holding 17 places; Liberals hold 25; and Reform 38 – a great surprise to all Mr Massey lost his majority through the wages cut, but he is an honest man and struggled manfully during the war period to keep our finances in a buoyant state. Had he been a juggler in finance we might have been worse off than we are now. Outlook is good for a bountiful harvest as most crops are looking well. We have an Industrial Exhibition of local industries, showing how much we can make, which is really good. Only many workers today, don’t think they ought to try to excel to make our products worthy of a place in the world’s markets. Instead of indifferent work through carelessness and inefficiency, we now have the opportunity. Our temperance friends left no stone unturned in their endeavour to get National Prohibition, even to bringing “Pussyfoot” Johnson and Dr Mary Armour from America, but all to no purpose – they lost by 16,000 odd votes.

One by one my old Berwick acquaintances out here are dying. I miss my old friend Tom Smail, as he always had some news of the old place. There is a Stoddart family out here who are much interested in Borderland news. They tell me their late father was a great man for fishing.

All good wishes to “Berwick Journal” and North Northumberland News,” and also to “Berwickshire News,” for 1923.


The proposal to make a new road at Tweedmouth from the 5 arches through Union Park, is now likely, we understand, to be abandoned. It will be remembered that some months ago the Council decided to purchase for that purpose, from Lady Francis Osborne, Ord House, the field adjoining Union Park, on the north side, extending to 10 acres. The purchase price was about £2,000, the Council agreeing to bear the cost of conveyance. An impasse has risen over the payment of the negotiating fees, claimed by Mr W. J. Bolam, agent for Lady Osborne.

BA-U10-04-02 Tweedmouth Section of the 1852 OS Map for Berwick showing West End, Union Park area.

The sanitary Authority last week agreed to the following report of the Works’ Committee: The Committee further considered the question of the negotiating fees amounting to £42 11s charged by Mr W. J. Bolam in connection with the proposed acquisition of land at Tweedmouth from Lady F. Osborne. The Town Clerk reported that the vendors’ solicitors refused to complete the purchase unless the negotiating fees in question be paid, and it was agreed to recommend the Council to refuse payment of the fees.

Following this decision, Mr Andrew Martin, Tweedmouth Town farm, of whose holding the field in question formed part, began to plough up the land on Tuesday, so that it would seem the negotiating are now definitely broken off.


Jas. Allan, engineman, Fowberry Moor, was charged with having been drunk and incapable in Billendean Road at 4 pm on March 3; and also, with doing wilful damage to 15 panes of glass and the frame of the door in the Police cells, to the amount of £2 10s.- Sergt. Barclay said he was motor cycling down Billendean Road when he found Allan lying in a helpless state. He put him into the side car and conveyed him to the Police Station at Spittal. About an hour after Allan had been locked up witness heard a disturbance and on going to the cell, found that Allan had broken 15 panes of glass in the cell window. Later there was another disturbance, and witness found him using the cell bed as a battering ram against the cell door, which was badly damaged.

Supt. Halliday- He was quiet enough on his way to the Police Station. I think the surroundings must not have suited him.

Fined 10s on the first charge, £1 on the second, and ordered to pay the damage, a total of £4.



The place of honour at the Burns anniversary gathering of the Bradford and District Caledonian Society was occupied by Mr J. R. Noble, late of Spittal. He served his apprenticeship at the “Berwick Advertiser” Office, and has, for the past three years, been employed by the Bradford and District newspaper Co., Ltd. His father, the late Mr John Noble, was at one time President of the now defunct Spittal Burn’s Club. During the course of his address, Mr Noble seldom referred to his notes, and quoted from memory many of the outstanding passages in the poet’s works. We take the following extracts from the “Bradford Daily Telegraph” of the 26th January :-  Bradford and District Caledonian Society last night celebrated the Burns Anniversary by a dinner at the Market Tavern. Dr MacIlraith presided over a company of over 100. Fraternal greetings were received from Tweedmouth and many other kindred societies.

Berwick-on Tweed Burns Club Annual Celebration, Red Lion Hotel – Programme, 25 Jan 1906. This programme gives you a taster of how Burns Supper had been celebrated in Berwick. REF: BRO 502/2/1

The toast, “The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns,” was proposed by Mr Noble, who said that even now new gems of thought continued to flash out from the poet’s exquisite verses, which, amid the changing scenes of life, retained their original freshness. They had to carry their minds back to the conditions that prevailed in Scotland in Burns’s day to appreciate fully the motive of many of his works. The ministers preached the wrath of God in every sermon, they forbade amusement, they stamped out the New Year festival, and universal gloom settled over the land. It was due to Burns more than anybody else that the best part of the people’s nature had not withered into sterility, for he did much to brighten and humanise religion and bring back to the life of the people some of the joy they had lost. It was the passionate and poignant love songs for which the world best loved Burns. They carried the fragance of the heather hills to distant lands. It was Robert Burns, peasant, poet, patriot, and prophet, who enshrined the characteristics and ideals of a great race in immortal verse, and his influence shall endure “till a’ the seas gang dry and the rocks melt wi’ the sun.” (Applause).


Berwick Esperanto Club has started. Soon the star-shaped badge, which is the world-wide symbol of the speakers or those who “hope” to speak Esperanto, will become familiar in the town. Esperanto means “one who hopes” – and every member of the newly forms Berwick Club is hopeful that the study of this easy and fascinating international language will “catch on” in the town. Between 20 and 30 members have joined. Some are at the alphabet stage, while others, more familiar with the language, can already speak and write it. More members will be welcomed. Meetings are to be held each Wednesday evening in the hall of the Primitive Church, Walkergate. Officials have been elected. Dr C. T. Gauntlet, who has made a study of the language, becomes the Club’s first President, and Mr R. Trotter and Mr J. Strachan, Vice-Presidents. Miss Gaul is Secretary and Treasurer, and the Committee members RE Mrs J. Bishop, Miss H. Gray, and Messrs D. Storar and Lyall. A small subscription of probably 2s 6d will be asked from each member to cover expenses in connection with the use of the room each week.

On Friday night the members of the Border Union Lodge of Good Templars held a Burns’s celebration at their weekly meeting. After the usual business was concluded the members, to the number of about 50, adjourned to the room downstairs and partook of a splendid supper, the principal dish being “haggis,” and then a short programme by members was gone through. Brother Clarke gave a reading. “Life of Burns,” and some of Burn’s songs were sung by Sister Borthwick, Brothers Borthwick, Morecroft and Hastings; while a humorous reading was given by Brother Evans. An enjoyable evening was brought to a close with the singing of “Auld Lang Syne.” The Border Union Lodge is the oldest lodge in the Borough and at present is in a flourishing condition. Every week sees new members being added to its roll. A hearty welcome is offered to all wishing to join. Meetings are held in the Lodge Room in the Good Templar Hall Friday night at 8 p.m.


The Superintendent’s annual report was in the following terms: I have the honour to present this my report on the carrying out of the Licensing Acts in the Borough of Berwick-upon-Tweed. There are in the Borough: – 44 full licenses, one beer on, four beer and wine off, and two beer off; making a total of 51, and showing an average of one license to about 255 inhabitants – the population of the Borough being 12,994. There are four registered clubs in the Borough with a membership ranging from 108 to 250. During the year 1922, proceedings for drunkenness were taken in 71 cases and 66 convictions resulted, being a decrease of 50 proceedings and 51 convictions when compared with the number similarly dealt with during the year 1921. The figures for 1922 are equivalent to 5.07 convictions per 1000 population as compared with 9. convictions per 1000 in 1921. I have served Notices of objections on the licenses of the Berwick Arms, Marygate, and the George Inn, Church Street. Thee premises I consider are structurally deficient and unsuitable for licensed premises. There are no applications for new licenses.


Work has been commenced in connection with excavating, etc., at Norham Castle. It was to have started last summer but owing to the illness and subsequent death of Mr Romanes, the proprietor of the Castle, it was delayed. It was understood that Mr Romanes was in the act of transferring the Castle and grounds to H.M. Office of Works when his illness took place, and it was rumoured that the whole scheme was to have been dropped. That has not, however, been the case, as there are now labourers busy digging around the Marmion Arch, and erecting scaffolding just inside, along the wall facing north which is pierced with


portholes. Its is estimated that the work will be spread over a period of six years, and as well as giving employment to a large number of men it should bring a lot more visitors to see the romantic old ruins. The main idea seems to be to clear away all accumulations from the walls and foundations, and thoroughly repair and point with cement the whole of the walls. The work is being undertaken by H.M. Office of Works. The work is not in full swing yet, owing to the difficulty of finding a place to put the old rubbish.


The Workhouse Committee at a special meeting had considered the question of a part of the Workhouse being leased to the Berwick Sanitary Authority for use as a common lodging house. A letter from the Town Clerk of Berwick stated the matter had been before the Public Health Committee of the Sanitary Authority, who requested the terms of the lease. The Workhouse Committee recommended to the Board that they lease the aged women’s block of the Workhouse premises and the lunatic ward to Berwick Sanitary Authority as a common lodging house. The terms of the lease were submitted, the lease to be for 10 years, the rent to be £25 per year, payable half yearly, the Authority to pay rates and taxes, and carry out necessary alterations to cut off this portion of the premises from the Workhouse, to the satisfaction of the Guardians, to provide gas and water supply, and a separate entrance from Brucegate, to keep in repair, not to sublet without the consent of the Guardians, and not to suffer any nuisance to tenants in neighbouring houses, etc.


Mr Bolus moved the adoption of the Committee’s recommendation. He knew that the Mayor and the Medical Officer for the Borough were very anxious that there be a model lodging house in the town. Such a place would be an acquisition to the town and an acquisition to the Board, as men could go there at very reasonable cost without coming to the Workhouse for the night. In making the lodging house a certain amount of money would have to be spent to make it to meet the requirements of the Inspector. In view of the expenditure one of the objections the Sanitary Authority might raise was what would happen if the Workhouse premises had to be sold. This was why they recommended a lease of 10 years. Mr Bolus thought that in the event of this taking place the men of good financial standing, might but the place, or the Corporations might but the place.


The ladies of the Officers 7th N.F. Club held a singles tournament on Thursday afternoon in the Drill Hall, Ravensdowne. Sixteen players took part, the winner being Miss M.B. Cowen (minus 5) in the final by 11 points to 10 after a very keen game. Prizes were presented by Miss M. Oswald, West Coates.



Mr John Evans, known s “The King of the Showmen,” a native of Spennymoor, and one of the most prominent owners of roundabouts in the showmen’s business, has died at his residence, 1, Strainton Place, Portobello, at the age of 51 years. His father was also a showman, but of the old school and in a small way.

Salmon Hotel, Berwick-upon-Tweed. REF: BRO 426/322b

In his boyhood Mr Evans came with his parents to Byker and began his career as proprietor of a coconut “shy,” and eventually kept on buying and extending his sphere of operations until he became one of the largest owners of attractions for fair grounds in the country. It is stated that frequently he had 18 traction engines to draw his paraphernalia about different parts of the kingdom. Among the fair grounds in which he had a controlling interest was the Jesmond Dene show ground, and he held leases for stands at the Spanish City, Whitley Bay.

For a time, he held possession of the Salmon Hotel, Berwick, but disposed of the property recently to Mr J. Sharp. He gave freely to many charitable institutions. He leaves a widow, a married daughter, and four sons, three of the latter being assistants in the show business. The funeral took place at Rosebank Cemetery, Edinburgh, on Thursday afternoon.


Now that the groupings of railways is an accomplished fact, it is just possible several employees will be affected as a result. The Railways Act 1921 specifically protests those with five years’ service previous to the passing of the Act, and the National Union of Railwaymen is circularising its branches urging branch secretaries to safeguard the position of members by keeping in touch with the Head Office on any case where they have been transferred to an inferior position as a result of the grouping. This usually has taken place at exchange stations- that is stations where previous to grouping one Company met another. Here the N.E. and N.B. met, and we learn the secretary of the newly-formed loco. branch at Tweedmouth has had occasion to request that the benefit of the Act be extended to his members, some of whom have been reduced about 20s weekly. He is in touch with Head Office and awaiting development.

The Tweedmouth N.E.R. St. John’s Ambulance Association held a successful whist drive in the King’s Arms Assembly Rooms, Berwick, on Wednesday evening, 10th January. The object was to raise funds to enable their members to enter this year for the various challenge shields offered in connection with ambulance work. The first of these competitions is on the first Saturday in March, when the Newcastle and District shield will be competed for at Gateshead. On the first Saturday in April the Lord Wharton shield will be competed for at York, and in the second week in May a competition for the National shield will be held at the Crystal Palace, London, the shield going to the team judged the best in the national contest. The conditions under which the Company deals with the men is that each team pays their own expenses to the first competition at Gateshead. After that the Company pay the expenses of successful teams at the subsequent events. With this encouragement the men of the Tweedmouth class have worked hard to make their whist drive a success. There were 240 presents.

A house-to-house collection in aid of the National Children’s Home and Orphanage, London, was taken up in Tweedmouth by some of the teachers of the Tweedmouth Scotch Church Sunday School, this being the Church chosen for the Tweedmouth district. The amount collected was £9 16s 8d, this sum being handed over to Mr Buglass, Castlegate, who acted as Hon. Secretary. Thanks are due to the lady collectors for this gratifying sum for such a good cause. Some of the young boys in the Home belong to the county of Northumberland. The Church secretary, Mr J. Paxton, has received a letter of thanks from headquarters.

Owners of wireless sets in Berwick have been enjoying the operas broadcasted from Covent Garden, London, during the past week. The operas have also been picked up at Ayton. Berwick Wireless Club members are now engaged inbuilding up a three-valve set of their own. There are some 20 members of the Club and attendances at the weekly meetings on Wednesday evenings continue good.

Archibold Barton, alias William Wagstaff, a native of Derbyshire, who was wanted by the Kelso police for fraud and a contravention of the Aliens Order, was apprehended by Sergeant Middlemiss at Berwick Police station on Saturday, Berwick police were informed at 1.45 that the man was wanted, and by two o’clock he was under arrest- a really smart piece of work. We understand that a woman who had been in the wanted man’s company in Kelso has been taken into custody by the Kelso police.

Church Street, 1906. BRO 0426-338 Showing Berwick Police Station

Up to the time of going to press the goods sent in for Berwick Rangers’ free gift sale, which is held in the Corn Exchange on Thursday (this afternoon), were much below the expectations of the Committee. There were a number of bags of potatoes and a few hens, rabbits, etc., but the miscellaneous goods were not of a very high value. The view was expressed by one who has experience in such sales that the Committee would be lucky to clear £50 off the venture. The Committee were unable to secure the services of the Mayor to open the sale, but Mr H. M. Young, auctioneer, kindly consented to make a few opening remarks.

We have picked up what we believe is one of the earliest Berwick printed books, namely “The English Hero; or Sir Francis Drake Revived,” being a full Account of the dangerous Voyages, admirable Adventures, notable Discoveries, and magnanimous Achievements of that valiant and renowned Commander.” The book was printed at Berwick in 1760 and sold by R. Taylor. It consists of 183 pp., about 3½ inches wide by 5¾, is set in a beautiful type of the period, with artistic headings and sometimes tailpieces to the chapters. The last page is ornamented with an oval picture, an inch and a half wide, of an old-fashioned printing office. To the side two compositors are sitting on stools working at case; the centre is taken up with a large press with two pressmen with their hats on. One is inking the former with bladders, and the other has his hand on the frisket. From the roof on rails hang printed sheets.


Before the Recorder, Mayor and Aldermen, and a jury, at the Court of Gaol Delivery at Berwick on July 23-24, 1823, Grace Griffin was found guilty of the charge of murdering her husband, John Griffin, on 27th April by throwing him to the ground and beating, trampling, and kicking upon him with both feet and hands, and was sentenced to be hung by the neck until she died.

Court area within the Town Hall where Grace Griffin was found guilty.

It was a sordid case of drink and immorality but stripped of an immense quantity of evidence immaterial to the issue and which the Recorder paid little attention to, the persecution built up its case purely on circumstantial evidence. Statements by a woman of loose character who had stayed in a room above the couple were to the effect that she overheard the man saying, “Oh Grace, it was you that did this to me.” This was not a very damning thing to hear but taken in conjunction with other things there was a strong presumption that the woman had caught her husband sleeping drunk and had set about him. The jury found a verdict of guilty after twenty minutes’ adjournment, and after they had heard a summing up from the Recorder rather in favour of the prisoner.

After the trial Mrs Griffin expressed herself as satisfied with the verdict of the jury, which she said could not have been otherwise in consequence of the evidence; the witnesses had sworn as much, she said, as would have hanged twenty. She appears to have been kindly looked after by the ministers in the town before she was hung. The Vicar (Mr Barnes) urged her to confess before giving her the last sacrament, but she adhered to her story that she was innocent.

Stocks used in the time of Grace Griffin

At 3 o’ clock on Saturday, 26th July, the hangman arrived from Edinburgh and on seeing him entering her cell Mrs Griffin asked who he was. No answer was returned but when she proceeded to pinion her arms she submitted with calmness. Twenty minutes later she walked in deep mourning to the entrance hall of the Town Hall and when she saw the sea of faces looking up on her she remarked that she had often seen Berwick fair very thrang, but never anything like this.

Seated on a cart draped in black, she was borne to Gallows Hill and it is recorded that she waved her hand and nodded to acquaintances as she observed them in the crowd. She viewed the scaffolding without emotion and after engaging inprayer with the Vicar she mounted without movement. The bolt was drawn at 4 o’clock and with her hands clasped Mrs Griffin accepted human judgment.

Commenting on the execution the “Advertiser” of August 2nd, 1823, says “In short the whole proceedings were conducted with a solemnity and decorum suited to the awful occasion. In the crowd we observed many eyes bathed in tears, and several females who from curiosity perhaps pardonable of seeing the mournful procession, found the scene too overwhelming for their feelings and actually fainted.”