“Berwick Journal” Fund Opens Today


The Sacred Duty of the Town and ITs People.













“Berwick Journal” in its leader Column in the issue of this Paper of Jan.29, 1925, said-

“As regards Berwick’s Unfinished War Memorial; if we could afford it we would give the money still required-willingly and cheerfully; we would consider it a privilege and an honour to be allowed for any further reward than the happy satisfaction of having been able to complete, in all humility, so sacred a duty, so long overdue on the part of this Town of ours.

We appeal again to the Memorial Executive and to the Citizens to at once take the final and resolute step to complete the undertaking so that the Memorial under the shadow of the Service Tree may fittingly and decently stand this Summer, and for all time, worthy of our gallant Comrades. We are prepared to open the columns of “Berwick Journal” to raise a Fund to accomplish the end in view; and we are prepared to give 100 Shillings to such a Fund.”


Parade, Berwick, 1st Feb., 1925

(The Editor, “Berwick Journal.”)

Dear Sir, -Your Leader in Thursday’s “Berwick Journal” struck the right chord, and I hope there will be a quick and generous response to your Appeal.

Like you and many others, I am profoundly disappointed that our War Memorial is still unfinished, and that the sum subscribed so far is not only in adequate for the purpose but is even insufficient to liquidate the amount already spent.

Berwick’s War Memorial Ref: BRO 426/445

Many of us have already subscribed- (some of us as much as we can afford, some of us much less than we can afford)- but whether we have subscribed well or poorly the need to complete worthily the Memorial is obtrusively insistent.

Hitherto, I had regarded it as a privilege on the part of the Town to establish Memorial to our Heroes, but it looks as if the Town now requires its sense of Duty stirred- a distinction not to our credit.

But from whatever point of view the matter is regarded, I hope your effort will be crowned with success, and as an earnest of that wish I enclose 100 Shillings to your Fund. Yours truly John Brough.


The Worship the Mayor of Berwick-upon-Tweed (Ald. Thos. Wilson, J.P.), writes us-

Dear Sir, – With reference to the note in your issue of Thursday last that you are prepared to open the columns of the “Journal” to raise a Fund to complete the Berwick War memorial, I have pleasure in accepting your offer. The War Memorial Committee are extremely anxious that our Memorial should be completed as soon as possible. Tenders have been received for the necessary work, and it is hoped that instructions will be given within the next few days for the work to be out in hand forthwith.

I trust that the inhabitants of the Borough will respond to the Appeal, and that through the Fund you propose to open the money required to complete the Memorial will be raised without delay. Yours faithfully Thomas Wilson, Mayor.

SHERIFF’S SUPPORT-Berwick, Feb.2, 1925

Dear Mr Editor, – Your announcement in “Berwick Journal” last week, – re Completion of Berwick War Memorial-about opening a Shilling Fund through the medium of your Paper, is a noble proposal, and should get the same generous support as you had in your War-Time Efforts for Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Funds.

I have pleasure in subscribing 200 Shillings. Yours truly Henry Stuart, Sheriff.


We are informed that about £250 is wanted- that is 5,000 Shillings; and it works out at only about 4d or 5d per head of the population of the Borough! Surely Berwick-upon-Tweed is not going to allow this our overdue Duty to remain any longer overdue. Let us show at once that such is not our intention; and that we mean to have the Memorial complete and in decent, proper and perfect order this Summer.


We shall give in next issue of “Berwick Journal” the First List of Subscribers to this Fund, which we have opened, and we trust it will be such a 1st list as will at once make it manifest and clear that the money required is going to be fully forthcoming, and that speedily. We hope with the Mayor that “the money required to complete the Memorial will be raised without delay.”

One thing is certain that if the same sort of generous support as was given to the War-Time efforts made by us, (as referred to by the Sheriff in his letter above), is given to this Appeal, Berwick will soon be in a position to complete what must be very close to the heart of every good citizen.


“Many of us have already subscribed,” as Mr John Brough points out in his letter to us, but that is not preventing patriotic citizens like Mr Brough from expressing themselves as ready and willing to do all they can. That’s the spirit we like. “He who gives quickly gives twice” is an old proverb; and it never had more force than in this Appeal which we make to the Public today. If there be any who may not have yet subscribed, the opportunity now presents itself; and if there be those who having subscribed will join others now in doing more we shall be grateful, and theirs will be the happy satisfaction in helping to the final accomplishment of a sacred Duty which rests on our Town- rests on evry man, woman, and child.

Berwick’s War Memorial with railings


This is an opportunity for the children-our future men and women-to share in the completion of the Memorial; and thus, to have for all time the proud and fragrant memory that they, too, helped to rear the Town’s Monument to the gallant lads who saved and made secure, for the youngsters, the Homeland. We invite the practical co-operation of parents and guardians and teachers in this direction.


Collecting cards may be had on application at “Berwick Journal” Office, 25 High St. Berwick. Every penny given goes to the Fund; all expenses are borne by the Promoters, so that all that is required is for the People to do their share-the early realisation of the money required.

It is up to Berwick-upon-Tweed to see that before Summer arrives, the War Memorial standing at the top of Castlegate, under the shadow of the Service Tree, is fitting and perfectly completed, so that it may stand for all time worthy of our gallant Comrades to whose memory it is reared.


During the past weekend, what may be correctly termed that last link in a family connection with a well-known local firm, recently dissolved, was broken when Mr Jos. Stokoe, of Foundry House, Tweedmouth, completed his last duties for the firm-Messrs Robertson and Coy., Tweed Iron Works, better known as the West End Foundry- after 46 ½ years faithful service. The name of Stokoe has been associated with Tweedmouth, and the above-mentioned firm for well over half a century, and no family was more respected, or held in higher esteem. The father Mr Jas. Stokoe, who retired 12 years ago and died at Hexham a few years later was with the firm for 45 ½ years, in the important position of manager. Mr Thos. Stokoe, son, completed 41 years with the firm, and also had an official position for the greater part of his long period of service. Mr Jos. Stokoe, the last to sever the long, honourable family connection at the past weekend, was also in charge of certain departments of the works and was looked upon as a trustworthy servant by his employers. We often hear and read of long service records with business firms, but for a family record with one firm the Stokoe’s will take some beating. The have seen the works in all its stages. In the height of prosperity, when large numbers of men were employed, and young men looked upon it as an honour and the first step to a successful career in life, to serve their apprenticeship in any section of the industry at one time carried on. Their productions have gone all over the world and made a name for the firm and its workmen second to none in British industry. But keen competition brought the dreaded and long looked for depression on the whole place, and for the last few years the usual activities began to languish and die until the firm was reluctantly compelled to cease their operations all round and close the doors. Many have served the firm for long periods, but for a family record, the name of Stokoe stands well out in the foreground.




Scremerston Horticultural Society held their tenth annual show in the Institute on Saturday and established a post-war record as regards entries. The numerous exhibits wee nicely laid out and were admired by the crowds of interested visitors present during the afternoon.

The show was opened by Mr J. A. Kilpatrick, Manager of the Scremerston Colliery, the Secretary and Committee greatly regretting that Mr John Black, Broomhouse, who was to have performed this duty, was unable to be present owing to illness. Capt. J. E. Carr presided, and others on the platform wee Capt. R. E. Carr, R.N., and Rev. J. Lightfoot, Mr John Black, Broomhouse, and Mr James Thomson, Secretary. Introducing Mr Kilpatrick, Capt.Carr expressed pleasure at seeing such a large number of people present.


Mr Kilpatrick said there were one or two little points he wished to emphasise. He understood that the number of entries was very high- between 500 and 600 – and that this was a post-war record. That was very gratifying indeed. The second point was that Mr Richard Thomson had won the shield for the third time in succession. (Applause). Mr J Wilson, the runner-up, had been runner-up for the past two years. (Applause). Speaking as a layman, as one who knew very little about flowers or vegetables, he thought that the show was rather extraordinary, especially when one took in to account the lateness of the season.

Mr Kilpatrick then handed the shield to Mr Thomson amid applause, reading the names of previous winners out as he did so.


The Watch Committee report of July 30 stated:- With reference to the question of the deposit of waste paper in the streets the Town Clerk submitted a letter from the Under Secretary of State stating that the following bye-law has been allowed in Birmingham, viz.: No person shall throw down or deposit and leave in any street any newspaper or any paper bag, wrapping or sheet such as is likely to create a litter in or to affect or tend to affect injuriously the amenities of the street. Before allowing a similar bye-law to Berwick-on-Tweed the letter further stated that the Secretary of State would require to be informed of the circumstances which are thought to render the bye-law necessary and would also require an undertaking that liberal provision of receptacles would be made in the streets into which the public could deposit their waste paper and also that the Council would do everything in their power to upload the bye-law and prevent it becoming a dead letter. It was agreed to recommend that the Town Clerk submit evidence of the necessity for such a bye-law, and that an undertaking be given as required by the Secretary of State with a view to the bye-law being made.

Early 1900s photograph of the High Street, from the Scotsgate Arch. BRO 1636-2-9

Councillor Bolus moved the adoption of the report, saying – I think this is absolutely necessary. You can go down High Street, Church Street, or up in Castlegate and you will find paper flying about over the houses and shops. I think this regulation is very necessary so that every person will understand that they must not make the streets in such a disgraceful state.

Councillor Campbell, who seconded, said that this summer the condition of the streets through the quantities of waste paper flying about was really so bad that not only residents, but people visiting their native town on holiday had spoken about it. These people when they come back were struck, after living in other areas, with the litter we had in our streets. It was no fault of the Sanitary Authority officials for it could happen even half an hour after the carts had been round. He was convinced they could make out a case to amply satisfy the Secretary of State of the necessity for such a bye-law.


The Norman Hall at the West End has had the electric light installed and the hall has been thoroughly cleaned and decorated for the winter session.

We hear that Mr Thos. Wright, son of Mr and Mrs George Wright, Dock view, Tweedmouth, who went to the United States recently has been successful in obtaining employment with the Canadian Pacific Railway Company at Chicago. Mr Wright, who is well-known in the town, started life as a clerk with Messrs Carter and Son, and was later with Messrs Simpson in Alnwick.

On the occasion of her marriage and departure from Tweedmouth Co-operative Society, Mrs Ford (nee Miss Maggie Howie) has been made the recipient of a very nice 40 piece set of china. The gift was subscribed for by the whole staff of the Society, amongst whom Mrs Ford has been very popular. She was in the clerical department at thee Store for many years.


About 6.30 p.m. on Sunday evening, when Thomas Johnston, a Spittal labourer, was walking on the beach at Hallowstell Fishery, near Spittal Point, he noticed a parcel lying on the beach about four yards from where high-water mark was showing. The parcel had evidently been left by the tide, which was receding at the time.

Johnston cut the string and opened the parcel and was shocked to find wrapped in the clothes the body of a healthy-looking male child. From the size and condition of the body the child had evidently lived, and it had not been in the water any length of time.

The police wee informed, and Sergt. Barclay, Spittal, took charge of the body and conveyed it to the mortuary. In view of certain facts which have come to light it was considered advisable that full enquiry should be made into the case, and on Tuesday, after the Coroner (Mr H. R. Peters) had heard only evidence regarding the finding of the body, he adjourned the inquest until the 3rd October, stating that he would then call a jury.

It is probable that sensational evidence may be given at the adjourned inquest, which may lead to a serious charge against some person or persons at present unknown.


The death took place in Berwick Infirmary on Sunday of Mr Andrew Martin, farmer, Town Farm, Tweedmouth, a leader in the Baptist de nomination at Berwick and one well-known to farmers on both sides of the Border. Mr Martin, who was a native of the district, was born at Marshall Meadows. He came to Berwick to work as a traveller with Mr Anderson, seedsman, and later he left there and started business in partnership with Mr Wm. Scott as seedsman in bridge Street, Berwick.

It is some fifteen years ago since Mr Martin took Tweedmouth Town Farm, and he certainly has done much to improve this 300 acre arable holding. At the farm he had thoroughly up-to-date threshing and grinding plant installed and in fact the farm has recently been self-contained, a blacksmiths and joiner’s shop having been fitted up on the premises. It will be remembered that during the war, when the Government was calling for supplies of barley, Mr martin, by putting on several tractors on his holding, cut a big crop of barley and marketed it within fourteen days of the time cutting was commenced.

Mr Martin certainly knew how to farm, and he was a very good judge of horse flesh. He kept fine types of animals on his farm, and believed that only the best results could be got by working with the best of stuff either in horseflesh or other things.

In politics Mr Martin was a staunch Liberal and in him Castlegate Baptist Church has lost a staunch supporter. He took a great interest in all that pertained to the welfare of the congregation, and in the Deacon’s Court he was a prominent figure.

The funeral took lace to Tweedmouth Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, when there was a large following of townsmen and farmers.




In order to secure a Public Hall for Burnmouth, a bazaar is to be held at Berwick. Mr John Anderson, Nulla Ghar, is Chairman of Burnmouth Hall Committee; Mr John Kinross, Schoolmaster, is Secretary; and Mr Thos. Barnfather, Stationmaster, is Treasurer. There are few spots on East Coast that can boast of such natural beauty as Burnmouth Village, mecca of Artists. Facing the sea yet shrinking from it into the shadow of the imposing Berwickshire Cliffs that rise to a height of 200 or 300 feet, stand the red-tiled cottages of the fishing community of this rock-bound coast- rich at every turn with picturesque scenery which Nature has bestowed with lavish hand. In Burnmouth Village there are some 400 inhabitants, and it is proposed the Hall be erected of the benefit of the whole community. By the efforts of the people themselves, about £150 have been raised since last March, and it is hoped the Bazaar in Berwick will make up the amount necessary. The young people, amongst whom are 60 ex-service men, have no place of meeting for recreation and social intercourse, and they have a special claim on public support, if village life is to be quickened, and the evenings made bright after a heavy day’s toil upon the sea. Truly indeed has it been said that the hardy fisherman’s calling in the vasty deep is “Lives o’ men.”



Interest on Sunday afternoon last was largely centred on that part of the foreshore to which the Manure and Gas Works are immediately adjacent; groups of people watched the incoming tide, which being “Spring tide,” and one of the highest of its kind, forced itself with great power against the massive concrete cubes, which Messers McCreath had provided as a barrage against the tide in their efforts to protect their works. So great was the force of the waves that it undermined the foundation of sand and brought the cubes toppling down as if they had been mere paving setts. Men laboured the whole day (Sunday) filling the sand bags and placing them in position, in an endeavour to prevent a further inroad of the unrelenting tide. Messrs Dixon’s works, now discarded, serves only as a breakwater, and while it holds will afford some protection to the works lying behind; but the tide is already running underneath the foundations in places, and a collapse of part of the superstructure at any moment would not be surprising. The angry sea running last week produced a marked effect not only on Dixon’s premises, and the approach to McCreath’s but also to the foreshore of the gas works.

1852 Map, Section showing Spittal

Here the foreshore has been used as a “tip” by the company for years, for the refuse from their works, consequently tons upon tons of rubbish have been banked up to a height of 10 or 15 feet, and this embankment has acted as a breakwater to the works. Gradually this debris, however, is being swept away, hundreds of tons at a time come crashing down under the impetus of the incoming tide, and should the erosion continue, the gas works, which are practically at sea-level will become inundated; indeed, that portion of Spittal lying north of St. Helen’s Terrace would appear to be none too safe from flooding, as the level it occupies is extremely low. The reclaiming of the foreshore now becomes a pressing question. What is needed is a strong concrete wall to form an efficient breakwater, and as a foundation would be difficult owing to the sandy nature of the bottom, such a project would be costly. How is such cost to be borne? Would it pay the proprietors of the several works involved to be at the cost of such a wall and so save their works, or would it pay such proprietors better to remove their works elsewhere?

BRO 426/879 St Helens Terrace, showing Industrial Spittal.

Evidently Messrs Dixon after spending something approaching £1000 in a vain attempt to save their works have thrown up the sponge. Should the remaining proprietors follow Messers Dixon’s lead, then the prospect for Spittal is none too good from the working man’s point of view, as many earn their daily bread in the various works. Is the question of the erection of a wall not one of wider interest than affects the effected property owners merely? Does it touch the Borough? Or wider still the Nation? On whoever the onus does rest, prompt action is necessary. The efforts which Messers McCreath are putting forth the sea is treating as puny, and it looks as if they, like their neighbour Dixon and co, are only spending time and money fruitlessly. Something solid on a substantial foundation is the correct remedy.


The first German trawler in Tweed Dock since the beginning of October arrived on Sunday last, having come direct from Bremerhaven, which port she left on the previous Friday. The “Dr. Asnas,” of Rostock, she took aboard 120 tons of bunker coal from Scremerston, motor lorries being engaged the whole of Monday conveying the coal from the pit. She left again for the fishing grounds on Tuesday afternoon.

Scremerston Colliery

The Glasgow steamer “Cretan” arrived in the Dock on Monday light, from the north, and sailed again on Wednesday with a cargo of barley, from Messrs H.G. McCreath and Sons. On Tuesday afternoon the schooner “John Sims,” Gloucester, arrived in the Dock in charge of 2 Spittal cobbles up the river. She is from Fewey with a cargo of China clay for Chirnside Paper Mills.


There is a stir in railway circles over the colour schemes to be adopted for locomotives and carriages now that uniformity is the order of the day as the result of all great railways of England and Scotland being combined into only 4 groups. Our own Coy., London and North Eastern, has come to a decision in regard to the change, and as its locomotives go through the “shops” for painting or repairing the passenger engines are being turned out in a green livery and goods engines in sober black. In both instances the new “trade mark, “L. & N.E.R.” appears in bold letters on the tender or other suitable position.

London, Midland, and Scottish Railway Coy. alone owns well over 10,000 locomotives and 25,000 passenger vehicles, which is world’s record, while London and North-Eastern possesses more than 7,500 engines and 20,000 “coaching vehicles.”


Mr Robt. Kerr, Christchurch, New Zealand, (Native of Berwick-upon-Tweed), writes us from the Colony – Out here we have a large number of men and women out of work, partly owing to so many coming from Overseas, which we workers rightly or wrongly resent. The difficult thing is to find work. Sometimes it means displacing local men, and then comes friction. I think, however, we are in a position to help, as we grow much what we use. But Protection is the workers’ watchword although we have a large Free Trade population. We all love cheapness! The seamen’s dispute has had bad effect on business; they object to a reduction of wages, but most trades have been reduced, no doubt the “bonus” cut of our Civil Servants has cost the Hon. W. F. Massey many seats in the General Election. Labour gained 8 seats, now holding 17 places; Liberals hold 25; and Reform 38 – a great surprise to all Mr Massey lost his majority through the wages cut, but he is an honest man and struggled manfully during the war period to keep our finances in a buoyant state. Had he been a juggler in finance we might have been worse off than we are now. Outlook is good for a bountiful harvest as most crops are looking well. We have an Industrial Exhibition of local industries, showing how much we can make, which is really good. Only many workers today, don’t think they ought to try to excel to make our products worthy of a place in the world’s markets. Instead of indifferent work through carelessness and inefficiency, we now have the opportunity. Our temperance friends left no stone unturned in their endeavour to get National Prohibition, even to bringing “Pussyfoot” Johnson and Dr Mary Armour from America, but all to no purpose – they lost by 16,000 odd votes.

One by one my old Berwick acquaintances out here are dying. I miss my old friend Tom Smail, as he always had some news of the old place. There is a Stoddart family out here who are much interested in Borderland news. They tell me their late father was a great man for fishing.

All good wishes to “Berwick Journal” and North Northumberland News,” and also to “Berwickshire News,” for 1923.


The proposal to make a new road at Tweedmouth from the 5 arches through Union Park, is now likely, we understand, to be abandoned. It will be remembered that some months ago the Council decided to purchase for that purpose, from Lady Francis Osborne, Ord House, the field adjoining Union Park, on the north side, extending to 10 acres. The purchase price was about £2,000, the Council agreeing to bear the cost of conveyance. An impasse has risen over the payment of the negotiating fees, claimed by Mr W. J. Bolam, agent for Lady Osborne.

BA-U10-04-02 Tweedmouth Section of the 1852 OS Map for Berwick showing West End, Union Park area.

The sanitary Authority last week agreed to the following report of the Works’ Committee: The Committee further considered the question of the negotiating fees amounting to £42 11s charged by Mr W. J. Bolam in connection with the proposed acquisition of land at Tweedmouth from Lady F. Osborne. The Town Clerk reported that the vendors’ solicitors refused to complete the purchase unless the negotiating fees in question be paid, and it was agreed to recommend the Council to refuse payment of the fees.

Following this decision, Mr Andrew Martin, Tweedmouth Town farm, of whose holding the field in question formed part, began to plough up the land on Tuesday, so that it would seem the negotiating are now definitely broken off.


Jas. Allan, engineman, Fowberry Moor, was charged with having been drunk and incapable in Billendean Road at 4 pm on March 3; and also, with doing wilful damage to 15 panes of glass and the frame of the door in the Police cells, to the amount of £2 10s.- Sergt. Barclay said he was motor cycling down Billendean Road when he found Allan lying in a helpless state. He put him into the side car and conveyed him to the Police Station at Spittal. About an hour after Allan had been locked up witness heard a disturbance and on going to the cell, found that Allan had broken 15 panes of glass in the cell window. Later there was another disturbance, and witness found him using the cell bed as a battering ram against the cell door, which was badly damaged.

Supt. Halliday- He was quiet enough on his way to the Police Station. I think the surroundings must not have suited him.

Fined 10s on the first charge, £1 on the second, and ordered to pay the damage, a total of £4.