First World War Letters from the Front – The Christmas Truce.

NRO 8130-17A

A letter from loved ones fighting a brutal war in a foreign country provided some relief for the families left at home; at least it was proof that they were still alive at the time of writing.
Below are some examples published in local newspapers – there was a thirst for knowledge of the war; publishing these letters gave comfort, not only the immediate family, but also to those with relatives in the same regiment or battalion or area of battle.
Letters published early in 1915 revealed the incredible story of the Christmas Truce.


Private Patrick Igo who is serving with the Northumberland Fusiliers, at the Front, in a letter to his mother, who resides at 48, St James’ Square Gateshead, states: “Just a line to let you know I am still going strong. The condition of life out here is rough, and so is the weather, but it the old tale, ‘Stick it Jerry’. There are some fine places in ruins: churches, Catholic convents and homesteads; the handiwork of ‘Jimmy the Germans’. My opinion is that they are getting beaten every day. We are getting plenty of ‘baccy’ and cigarettes from England so you need not worry about smokes.
We have had some casualties since I have been with the regiment, both killed and wounded.
Writing to his brother on December 28, Private Igo says:
There is some hard fighting around the district, where the old ‘Fighting-Fifth’ is located and we are here for our share, when wanted. We came out of action on Christmas Eve for a day or two’s rest, after having occupied some German trenches, which one or two of the kilted regiments had taken from the enemy in the middle of November. I will not forget it for a few Christmas Eves to come, if spared. We lost a few while holding the trenches. The Germans were no more than 40 yards entrenched in front of us; we waited eagerly at dusk for our relief. We all expected a peppering that night.


In a letter written on Boxing Day to Mr Noble of the Broomhill Collieries, Mr Oswald Blunden an Officer of the Honourable Artillery Corps states:
“Your parcel of chocs’ reached me in the firing line; the contents and the good wishes enclosed have already cheered my heart. We are now having a spell of six days in the trenches and the weather has decided to be seasonable. Christmas day was cold and dry and a glorious change from what we have had. All today it has been snowing hard. It’s wee bit ‘parky’ now and then, especially about four or five in the morning. It’s nice to get up, but taking it all round, the cold knocks the mud into a cocked hat.
At the moment I have got a few hours watch on and have to post sentries and see that they are the alert, every now and then. One must not sleep during this time and so in between the rounds I am knocking a few arrears.
Perhaps you may have heard how we spent our Christmas Day. It was the most extraordinary thing possible – mixing-up and holding long talks with the enemy, out in the open and not a shot fired on either side. I got a jolly good German helmet, which I am going to try and send home when we get back to the billets.
There are two of us in my dugout in the trench and the way I have to twist myself in Knots all the time is a sight for the Gods. Now is the time I would like to be 2ft 6in and not 6ft 2in.


Corporal Robert Renton of the Seaforth Highlanders in a letter to Mr and Mrs Renton of Coldstream tells of the way in which Christmas Day was spent at the Front. He writes:
“I never thought we would spend Christmas the way we did. We were in the trenches on Christmas day. On Christmas Eve the Germans in front of us started singing what appeared to be hymns. We were shouting for encores (their trenches are only about 150 yards in front of us), and they kept the singing up all night. On Christmas Day some of them started to shout across to us, to come over for a drink.
It started with one or two going over half-way and meeting the Germans between the two lines of trenches; then it got that there was a big crowd of German and British, all standing together shaking hands and wishing each other a merry Christmas. They were giving us cigars and cheroots to exchange for cigarettes and some of them had bottles of whisky. They seemed a decent crowd that was in front of us.
They were all fairly well dressed and the majority of them could speak broken English. Some of them could speak it as well as myself. They said they were not going to fire for three days. They kept their word too: there was no rifle fire for two days after Christmas. There were two dead Frenchmen between our lines. We could never get out to bury them ‘till that day. The Germans helped us to dig the grave. One of their officers held a service over the graves. It was a sight worth seeing and one not easily forgotten; both Germans and British paying respect to the French dead.

The following was published in the Newcastle Journal Jan 1st 1915:
More stories of Christmas celebrations.


How an unofficial armistice was observed between German and British troops on Christmas Day is related in a letter written by a local officer at the Front to Mr and Mrs Taylor of Braemar, Victoria Avenue, Forest Hall. He writes:
“The Germans looked upon the day as a holiday and never fired a shot, except for a few shells in the early morning to wish us the compliments of the season, after which there was perfect peace and we could hear the Germans singing in their trenches. Later on in the afternoon my attention was called to a large group of men standing up half-way between our trenches and the enemy’s on the right of my trench, so I went out with my Sergeant-Major to investigate and actually found a large party of Germans and our people hob-nobbing together, although an armistice was strictly against regulations, the men had taken it upon their own hands.
I went forward and asked in German what it was all about and if they had an officer there – I was taken up to their officer who offered me a cigar. I talked with them for a short time then both sides returned to their trenches. It was the strangest sight I have ever seen. The officer and I saluted each other gravely, shook hands then went back to shoot at each other. He gave me two cigars one of which I smoked and the other I sent home as a souvenir. If only I had had a camera, I could have sent you an interesting picture. I do not know if this unofficial armistice was general in other parts of the line or not.


Writing from the Front to fiends at Jarrow under date December 26 a soldier thus describes his Christmas Day on the battlefield:
“Things have been remarkably quiet during Christmas, and the infantry went so far as to come out of their trenches. On Christmas Eve an infantryman went into the German trenches at midnight and made himself comfortable. They gave him drinks and smokes and a German soldier accompanied him half-way back to his own trench.
While in the German trenches a British soldier made an arrangement that a truce of 24 hours would be called between his company and the Germans. On Christmas Day soldiers on both sides left the trenches and exchanged greetings, cigars, cigarettes and so on. Where possible the men conversed with each other and exchanged names and addresses”.
The writer proceeds, “I have heard this happened all along the British line, excepting where the Prussians were opposed to it. I had occasion to go down to the trenches and I tried to talk to the Germans. I had my photo taken with them and I wish I could get the proof. Now today it is different. When we were at peace with them yesterday, we were at war today and the guns are roaring as usual and the rifles are being fired. It is a queer time right enough.”


Corporal T.B. Watson now at the front with the 8th Royal Scots (Territorials) in a postcard to his cousin Mr R Smith of the Shipley Street Baths, Newcastle says:
“I had a merry Christmas in spite of those boys 300 yards over the way. We came in here to relieve the Englishmen for Christmas. They in turn will let us have New Year out. It is decent of General _____ to do this as it suits both regiments just fine.
On Christmas Day the greatest thing out took place here – Somehow or other a friendly feeling got up between the Germans and us, so we both left our trenches unarmed and exchanged greetings about 300 yards apart. We were all standing in the open for about 2 hours, waving to each other and shouting and not one shot was fired from either side. This took place in the forenoon. After dinner we were firing and dodging as hard as ever; one could hardly believe that such a thing had taken place.
We are getting hard frost today (December 27) and it makes us busy to try and keep warm but the trenches are cleaner so we are better off that way. Wishing you a ‘Guid New Year’.”

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Derek Holcroft in supplying this article for the Northumberland At War Project.

This Week in World War One, 17 December 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






Interesting Railway Connection – An interesting link with pre-railway days remains in Belford district in the person of Mr John Lockhart, who worked on what is now the Great East Coast route before a train had run from Newcastle to Tweedmouth. Mr Lockart, who is in his 92nd year, enjoys good health. His failing eyesight prevents him reading much, and so he is out of doors as much as possible. He lives with his son in one of the station cottages. Born at North Berwick in 1824, Mr Lockhart has thus lived in five reigns. He came of a long lived stock. His father was 80 when he died, and his grandmother, whom he remembers, was 95.

The station building at Belford railway station on the East Coast Main Line. The station, which is south of Berwick-upon-Tweed, closed in 1968. © Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.
The station building at Belford railway station on the East Coast Main Line. The station, which is south of Berwick-upon-Tweed, closed in 1968. © Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.


For no less than 62 years Mr Lockhart worked on the line as platelayer, and for 50 years he lived in one house at Beal, where he had charge of a section. He worked for a year under the contractors who were making the railroad, and the next year he saw the first train which made the journey to Tweedmouth. Most of the coaches were open, and the seats ran the whole length of the carriage. He took the first ticket that was booked from Scremerston to Tweedmouth, and lost it before he reached his destination.

A man of strong religious convictions, he has contributed a great deal to the training of young people in the Sunday Schools of the district. Mr Lockhart is certainly the oldest ex-railwayman in the northern portion of the North Eastern Company’s district, and during his long years of service he was a most conscientious worker.




Quaint Wedding Customs – Great interest was displayed in a wedding which took place on the island on Saturday. The bride was Miss Elizabeth Wilson, eldest daughter of Mr Wilson, churchwarden and school manager, and the bridegroom was Mr George Richardson, of Berwick. The bride was accompanied by her sister, Miss May Wilson, as bridesmaid. The Rev. Irvine Crawshaw conducted the service which was choral, the choristers assembling to honour the bride, who was formerly a chorister.

 Holy Island Bride BRO 0426 1112
Holy Island Bride BRO 0426 1112


Immediately after the ceremony, the quaint custom of jumping the “Petting Stone” was performed by the bride, and on her arrival at her home another quaint custom was observed. A plate filled with cake was thrown over the bride’s head for good luck. The good fortune depends upon the plate being broken. The honour of throwing the plate and cake was allotted to the daughter of the local schoolmaster, and great was the glee of the children as they scrambled for the cake. There was a large number of handsome wedding gifts.





A report of the  Workhouse and Finance Committee showed that consideration had been given as to the selection of tenders for the supply of butcher meat, etc., for the ensuing quarter, and that it was agreed to accept the tender by Messrs Hogarth at the sum of £94 0s 2d.

In answer to queries by Mr Turnbull, it was explained that the only other was £101 18s 2d, and that the following were the quotations given by Messrs Hogarth:- Flanks 12s 6d, necks 14s, haughs 9s, carcases of mutton 10s, all per stone; suet, 8d per lb.; joints, 1s 2d per lb.

It was recommended that the contract for the supply of fresh fish be given to Jane Willock at 7d per lb., and fish for officers (varied) at 8d per lb. from the same contractor.

It was also recommended that the contract for bread be given to J. B. Geggie at 7¾d per four lb., and good seconds at 7½d.


The report by the Workhouse Committee showed that magazines had been received for the inmates from Mrs Kennedy, High Greens, and it was agreed to acknowledge receipt of same with thanks.


The report of the Workhouse Committee also showed that orders had been issued for the supply of one load of straw for the garden; also an easy chair for the laundress room, and that a cheque for £10 be granted to the Master to meet petty expenses.

All the above recommendations were unanimously approved of on the motion of Mrs Willits.

Berwick Advertiser 17 Dec 1915 Dudgeon Advert
Berwick Advertiser 17 December 1915 Christmas and New Year Cakes




Save your potato peelings. If these are dried in the oven, they will help to make the fire burn up very quickly, and one cannot be too economical just now, can we?

Never put a fork into a chop or steak when frying or grilling, as it lets out the juice or flavour of the meat.

Before putting milk on the fire or gas to boil, rinse the saucepan out with water. This will prevent it from burning.

A hot cloth put round the mould will help the jelly or ice to come out without sticking.

Pudding clothes should never be washed with soap. Soak them in cold water, and well rinse in hot and dry in the open air.

When stoning raisins for the pudding this year, rub a little butter on the fingers and knife, and this will relieve that task of raisin-seeding of its discomfort.

Hot milk is an excellent restorative for those who are over-exerted, and many of us feel like this just now at the end of a strenuous day, and sometimes, half the night.




Launching our New Online Exhibition

Though the first part of the Stannington Sanatorium Project has drawn to a close our work with its records has not. After the cataloguing and part-digitisation of a staggering 5041 patient files and digitisation of 14,671 radiographic images we have been given a grant by the Wellcome Trust which will enable us to fully digitise the patient files and re-package them in conservation-grade materials. Through this time the patient files will still be searchable through our online catalogue ( ), and at the end of our year’s project a redacted image of each file will be available alongside its reference.

To mark the close of the project’s first phase we are pleased to announce we have put together an online exhibition to allow the records to be explored. The exhibition uses three sections to tell the story of the Sanatorium. In the first part, ‘Examining the patients’, where you can click on parts of a body to explore some examples from the patient files of how Tuberculosis affected different areas of the body and how each case would be treated. In ‘Tour Stannington’ you can click on links for different parts of the building to learn about the different rooms that comprised the Sanatorium, the stories of the staff and patients and their life in the Sanatorium. Click on ‘Gallery’ to find all of the images from the exhibition in one place – those of the buildings, staff and patients, and medical images of patients each labelled with the type of Tuberculosis the patient suffered from. We hope you enjoy looking at through the result of the hard work that went into the first phase of the project. The exhibition can be viewed here:

Our new project assistant and digitisation assistant are beginning their new roles, and another post will follow in the New Year. The second part of the project by its nature will have a different outlook to the first, but look out for new blog postings of how it proceeds over the coming months. If you have any enquiries regarding the Stannington Collection please contact the archives at